Iida Gets Everyone and Kiri Spills the Tea!!!

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Kiri oof'ed as she was pushed to the ground behind Shigaraki and the Nomu.

Aizawa watched that part happen, thankfully not the Kiri interviewing the villain part though or else she'd get whapped. What the hell was going on? Why was Kiri with them? It didn't look like she wanted to be there with how she tried to leave, but then why was she still there unharmed? Did they want her? Was that their reason why they captured her? Aizawa yeeted those thoughts from his head. He had to focus on his fights.

With Iida he slammed into All Might making him cough.

"Young Iida! What-"

"All Might-sensei there's a villain attack at USJ!" Iida shouted panicked. He was so panicked that his arm wasn't doing the chopping motion and you know that's important shit right there. Without saying a word All Might blew past Iida and Iida continued off to the teachers lounge where he slammed open the door, shocking everyone inside.

"Iida? What's wrong?" Mic asked looking up from his paperwork.

"Villains have appeared at USJ!" Everyone stood up and ran out with him.

"How many are there?" Midnight asked.

"I don't know. As soon as they started appearing Tsujo-san told me to go and get you guys since I was the fastest out of everyone. Otherwise I don't think I would have reached you all as fast as I did."

"Tsk, an unknown amount of villains huh? And Aizawa and Thirteen are facing them alone." Snipe said.

Kiri during this time was sitting there annoyed as heck. Like what the hell? She wanted to go and help everyone out but here she is stuck with a boring flaking creepy ass dude named Shigaraki, some weird looking monster called a Nomu, and Kurogiri. Not the best way to spend time. Kiri watched as Aizawa finished off the last villains that were attacking him and he ran at Shigaraki.

"Hai Aizawa-sensei!" Kiri greeted with a big smile when he elbowed Shigaraki. Aizawa ignored Kiri. He had to concentrate on this fight and his eyes were drying out. Kiri pouted and crossed her arms.

"That's so super duper mean of you Aizawa-sensei! And to think I'd tell you that you'll disintigrate when he touches you with all five fing- HMMMPH!!!!!!" Kiri angrily hmph'ed as Shigaraki had jumped back and slapped a hand over her mouth. Before he could finish his long ass shpeel again the front doors slammed open and there stood All Might.

Not smiling.

This meant that it was as serious as Iida not doing the arm chop!

"Don't fear, for I am here!" All Might shouted. Everyone turned to look and relief washed over them. Kiri on the other hand licked Shigaraki's hand and he pulled it back so fast that his hand could've gotten whiplash. Kiri backed away till she was next to Aizawa.

"Tsujo what were you-"

"That thing over there is a nomu. Apparently it can fight against All Might and be on par when it comes ot strength. He should be careful. It also hasn't moved an inch the entire time I was here so I think maybe Shigaraki, the creep I told you about before, can control him. That or it's Kurogiri cus he's a lot less crazy and didn't tell me the plans about everything so there's that."


A/N: Okay so firstly I decided to go by the teacher's hero names fron now on unless they aren't acting as a hero or lose their quirk entierly *cough cough* ALL MIGHT *cough cough* Oh and not Aizawa though cus they call him by his name so yeah UWU But finally Iida gets all the staff members and All Might gets there earlier before Aizawa gets his ass beat by the nomu TTMTT I'M SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT!!!!! Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chappy and don't forget to vote, comment, add, follow, and share to see when the rest of the staff are gonna get there!!!!!!! Bye~~~~~~~~

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