Makin Friends Through Scrunchies UWU

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Kiri stared at Aizawa and he didn't say anything. They both just quietly stared at each other before Kiri got the message and sat back down in her seat. As soon as she did Izuku and Ochaco finally walked inside the classroom and wasn't just hanging out in the doorway umu After they finally came in Aizawa sighed and got up from his sleeping bag.

"It took you lot long enough to shut up and sit down. Change into these and get going outside." Aizawa said as he pulled out a gym uniform from his sleeping bag. He already knew that he'd have a problem class, but seeing that VSCO girl? Oh yeah, he'd either need to drink a fuck ton of alkohol or caffine to make sure he would survive these next three years. Hopefully he woudn't become an addict before the week ends.

Everyone was in the changing room and the girls were all talking to each other except for Kiri. She was frowning and staring at the uniform on her body.

"What's wrong Kiri?" Ochaco asked worried. Maybe Kiri thought she looked fat in it? But she looked great and so Ochaco was prepared to tell her that she was wrong when Kiri sighed and looked over at her sad like her favorite manga just got discontinued on a cliff hanger.

"It's just that no one wants to talk to me." Kiri mumbled quietly. Ochaco blinked a few times.


"Did I make a bad impression? I thought it was a good way to make a good impression ya know? Like you just yeet yourself into the situation holding nothing back typa thing. Everyone else I've seen who's done it got popular and got friends quick so why is everyone avoiding me instead?" Ochaco blinked again. Did Kiri actually kinda have some sort of brain? Ochaco knew that it wasn't right to judge people so fast but with that type of introduction Kiri gave of herself and the aura of the room it didn't really seem like a good time to use the don't judge people so wuickly card.

"N-no! It was just... different!" Ochaco lied waving her hands around. Kiri stared at Ochaco for a second before busting out into a big smile.

"That's great! I was kinda worried ya know?"

"Haha.... yeah........."

"Um." Ochaco and Kiri turned around to see Momo standing there looking a bit worried and sheepish.

"Do have any hairties I can borrow?" Momo asked. Kiri lit up like the god damn sun, almost like she just saw her pet hamster Squeaky come back to life for the second time.

... that's another story for another time.

"Yeah! I'm so glad you asked! When I saw you when I walked in I just knew you had to have this one!" Kiri pulled out a beautiful red scrunchie and gave it to Momo who looked at it with glittering eyes.

"This has such a nice quality to it Tsujo! A-are you sure I can have it?"

"Of course! I lose a lot of mine somehow so it's always nice to know that I lost one to someone who needed it!"

And that's how Kiri made her first friend.


A/N: OMK!!!!! Already Kiri be making frendsssssssssss UWU I can't believe this! Who would've thought that she would make one because of a scrunchie if you ignore the title? UWU Anywho, poor Ochaco lying to not hurt Kiri's feelings UMU At least Kiri has Momo now so the bad intro reallly wasn't that bad, so I guesssssss Ochaco wasn't lying lying........ I hope..... Anyways, make sure to vote, comment, share, add, and follow!!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The VSCO Girl of Class 1-A (BNHA Fanfic) **DROPPED**Where stories live. Discover now