Kiri Meets An Old Not So Friend

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"Tsujo stop talking to the villain! Everyone back up!" Thirteen said, shook as hell that a student would just start talking to a villain just in general. Of course, Thirteen didn't know what kind of first impression that Kiri made during the first day of class by sksksksksksksksk-ing and drugging Todoroki, but Thirteen did hear about a strange student in Class 1-A, and so this had to be her. Thirteen popped off their finger which made Kiri stare shook and her head did that thing where it moves away from her body and lowers. Just as Thirteen was about to activate their quirk Bakugo and Kirishima ran in front and charged at Kurogiri, making Kiri facepalm and turn away embarrassed as hell that they did that.

"No! You two get back!!" Thirteen shouted as Bakugo and Kirishima just grinned and slammed through Kurogiri who then warped almost everyone away.

Kiri was plopped right next to the creepy dude she saw in front of Yuuei and warned Aizawa about and she was NOT happy.

"What is this?" Kiri started kicking the dude in the balls for that mentally. That was super duper rude of him to just compare her to an object!!!! She didn't even do that with Bakugo and that was saying something!

"Kurogiri why'd you bring it here?" The Creep asked. Kurogiri appeared next to him dressed all fancy in a suit.

"She's quite the interesting character Shigaraki." While they were talking Kiri slowly started creeping away. Hell no is she gonna stay with the enemy! Especially if they're on Creepy Dude Shigaraki's side. Before she could skskkskskskksk away Kurogiri noticed and had to betray her even though he wasn't even on her side in the first place.

"Get back here brat." Shigaraki said and pulled Kiri over. Aizawa was fighting the rest of the villains when he noticed something pinnk from the corner of his eye move. He prayed to hell that it wasn't what he thought it was and risked taking a glance. Sure enough it was.

Fucking Kiri.

Now Aizawa doesn't discriminate, and he didn't care that a VSCO girl was in his class because let's be honest here, he's had a LOT worse. But god damn did Kiri just tick off boxes he never thought could have bene ticked off. It was like a bucket list but for his career as a teacher. This doesn't mean that he didn't like Kiri or hated her, she was just... strange to say the least. But Aizawa knew that Kiri had some kind of hidden side to her and was just over compensating with the VSCO girlness. Besides, if she wasn't strong or smart then there was no way she could have gotten into Yuuei.

But seriously though what the hell was she doing right next to the enemy?!?!??!!

Kiri looked down at her arm as it slowly decayed, the pain burning like she was getting seared in some kind of BBQ. Out of instinct Kiri pulled out one of her Burt's Bees knives and slash it at Shigaraki who didn't expect this from somebody like her. He instantly let go and Kiri looked at the blood dripping down her arm and then back at Shigaraki.

Then she smiled.


A/N: Now you guys might be wondering, "What the fuck is wrong with Kiri?! Good ol Chappy just wooshed her skin off and all she can do is smile??!?!??!!!" Dun worry, Kiri's gonna react later on UWU Also Kurogiri kinda interested in why she greeted the god damn enemy like everyone else was thinking. She really did not think that through UMU Anywayssssssssss make sure to vote, comment, add, share, and follow to see what the hell is wrong with Kiri!!!! Bye~~~~~

The VSCO Girl of Class 1-A (BNHA Fanfic) **DROPPED**Where stories live. Discover now