Somebkdy Dun Fuqed and We Learn Nore About Kiri!!!

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Kiri pulled on her hero outfit (A/N: basically the cover UWU) and then marched out linking arms with Momo with a big smile like she forgot what just happened four minutes ago. But oh no Kiri didn't forget. She marched up to Ochaco who was rushing and tapped her shoulder, making Ochaco jump and turn around and come face to face with her current worst enemy.


"So Ochaco why did you use my last name today and not yesterday? I mean it's not like I want you to call me Tsujo cus that ain't it for me, but still like why?" Ochaco knew that at that moment.

She fucked up.

"Well I just felt like I had to..." she admitted. It wasn't a lie, it was the truth and besides, Kiri never asked for an in-depth essay length answer with sources and all that annoying bullshit so it was all good.

"Awwwww Ochaco why didn't you just say that you felt like you had to act different because of my aura?! I don't wanna make you uncomfy!" Kiri said glomping Ochaco who was shook as hell. How the hell did Kiri get the reasoning through her basic ass answer? When Kiri pulled away from the hug and skipped off with Momo Ochaco stared.

"Ochaco-Chan, are you okay?" Tsuyu asked. Ochaco continued staring.

"Kiri is really smart."

"Really? She doesn't really seem like it if I'm honest." Tsuyu said looking at them too.

"Kiri is really.... weird but not in a bad way? You guys get what I mean right?" Jirou said walking up to Ochaco and Tsuyu.

"Yeah like she has a lot of chaotic energy but it's controlled?" Mina added. The four of them closed their eyes and put their chin in their hands, hmm'ing before Hagakure started talking.

"Um, guys, we should get going or we'll be late." That snapped them out of whatever trance they were in and they all started running over to where they were supposed to meet up.

Kiri and Momo were talking as they were skipping down the halls and to the training grounds.

"So how did you pass the test Kiri? I heard that they had robots and so people without physical quirks couldn't pass." Momo asked. Kiri gave a big closed eye smile.

"Oh it wasn't anything! I used my quirk and just stabbity stabbed them with one of my burt's bees pocket knife! It looks like a chapstick but then BOOM! It's a knife!" Kiri explained shortly. Momo ahh'ed and continued paying attention.

"But I do wish I could've used my other knives though...." Kiri mumbled disappointed. Momo blinked a few times letting what Kiri just said sink in. She slowly turned to Kiri.

"What did you just say?" Momo asked a bit scared on the inside. Not scared as in Kiri was gonna kill her scared but like a worried scared about what she just said.

"Hm? Oh it's nothing! Look! We're already here!"


A/N: We learnt a bit more about Kiri here!! I wonder what she would've looked like stabby stabbying the robo boys..... Also look at Momo such a good friend for skipping with her! Why don't we skip anymore after elementary? Scratch that why the hell don't we gallop either?????? Ugh society is such a hoe sometimes UMU Anyways don't forget to vote, comment, add, share, and follow!!!!!!!!!! Bye~~~~~~

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