Reporter Kiri At Your Service!

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"Shigaraki!" Kurogiri shouted panicked as Shigaraki took a few steps back. He glared through the hand on his face at Kiri.

"What the hell are you smiling for?" Shigaraki asked kinda creeped out. Honestly though, who wouldn't be? If you just wooshed some of their skin off and they slash you with a knife and then they smile at you that's some serial killer vibes right there my friend.

"Hey, Shigaraki right?" Kiri asked, pulling a tissue out of her pocket and wiping away the blood like it wasn't just flowing down her arm continuously. She pocketed the tissue because it ain't cash money or gucci to be littering UMU Then she pulled out her mini notebook and the mini pen with a pink floof on the end and scribbled some things down.

"What do you want?" Kiri asked like she was some reporter.

"What do I want? Obviously it's to end All Might!" He answered pissed off.

"Yeah yeah yeah, you're a villain and hate All Might, but why- OH MY KAMI WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!?!?!!" Kiri shouted pointing at the giant Nomu that was just chilling in the back with her pen.

"That? THAT is a weapon of destruction!" Shigaraki bragged, waving his arms over it like it was some kind of grand reveal. Kiri stared at him like he was bat shit crazy.

"So it that... some kind of ultimate weapon that'll end All Might?"

"Exactly!" Kiri nodded and scribbled some more stuff down before putting it away.

"Well then it was nice getting to know your biggo plans for the future but I gotta go help out my friends now." Kiri said pointing in a random direction.

"Friends? Who'd be friends with you?" Shigaraki asked disgusted. Kiri's eyes widened. Even though it was coming from a villain this shit still hurt. Like sure, so far she couldn't say that everyone was okay with her except for Momo, Todoroki, and Kaminari, but still that didn't mean that they hated her or disliked her right? There IS a neutral ground.



Kiri shook off the thought and sighed.

"Anyways I'm not letting you go help anyone girlie." Shigaraki said before reaching towards her, which made Kiri confused as fuck. Like mans was eight feet away, an extra two feet for social distancing guidelines too so how could he-

"Oh." Was all Kiri could say as Shigaraki's hand appeared behind her thanks to Kurogiri. He grabbed her and pulled her through the portal. Kiri was prepared for her clothes to be wooshed out of existence, but when she looked back at his hand she noticed that her clothes were still fine and that his pinky finger was up like he was at some kind of high society tea party.

"Why do you even want me here?" Kiri asked looking around. She couldn't risk slashing the bitch again especially since Kurogiri was probably watching her every movement now after she sliced Shigaraki. Besides she didn't want to turn into Cheeto dust.

At least not yet.

A/N: Wow Shigaraki really out here laying some truth on Kiri huh???? But did he have it hit it where it hurts? TTMTT RIP Kiri... but at least she has her BFFL Momo!!! And why the heck is Kurogiri THAT interested in Kiri anyways? Like he doesn't even know what her quirk even is UMU I mean I guess she do be interesting cus she's all "Nice to meet you person who wanna kill my teacher!" Anywaysssss don't forget to vote, comment, add, share, and follow so Kiri doesn't get Nomu'ed UWU Bye~~~~

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