Kiri Saves Aizawa From The Reporters UWU

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It was the next day and Kiri was walking to school when she saw a hoard of reporters standing in the front. She tilted her head in confusion and creeped closer, but not close enough that they'd notice her.

"Spy mode activate!" Kiri whisper shouted to herself. She creeped closer and listened to the reporters.

"All Might! How is he as a teacher?!"

"Hey tell us something about All Might!"

"What's he like?"

"Ah, so it's about him. Can't be surprised but chile, it's the number 1 hero of all of Japan! Why wouldn't he be a-" Kiri stopped when she though back ot last night where Momo texted her about how worried she was when Bakugo and Midoriya were fighting. Apparently it was crazy and he still didn't stop it until Bakugo almost killed Midoriya. But either way, Kiri's Broccoli boy got fucked up and sent to Recovery Girls. She probably didn't see him because she went through the window cus slow people be slow. Kiri listened harder since she knew that she was almost at the entrance and could barely make out Aizawa telling the reporters to leave. That's when Kiri got an amazing idea that she thought was cash money.

Like really cash money.

Kiri walked back a bit away from the mob of reporters and took a deep breath in, readying her most gigantic smile and running at them.

"Oh! It that a student from the heroes course?! Let's ask her!" One of the reporters said and ran up to her.

"Hello Miss! Would you mind answering a few questions about-" Kiri ran right past her and slammed into the mob.

And that's when everyone turned towards her with sparkling eyes.

"Are you from the hero course?!"

"What's All Might like as your teacher?!"

"What's your name?"

Kiri stopped in the middle, right where she wanted. Then she looked at them in the eye and opened her mouth.

Aizawa was watching all of this go down in real time. He could see the pink of Kiri's hair and he knew it was her as soon as she spoke.

"I just had a crazy amazing time! So I dropped my scrunchie back there and I couldn't find it like always, it sucks but anyways I got it back! And that's not he only gucci cash money thing that happened. It just so happened that All Might was the one who found it a little ways back from where I was! And I'm like, thanks so much All Might! Cus that's my favorite scrunchie color!" As soon as Kiri stopped talking all the reporters ran back the way she came from and Kiri skipped through the entrance and was stopped by Aizawa.

"All Might is in the teacher's lounge right now." He said matter of factly. Kiri gave him and closed eyes smile.

"I know!" And with that she skipped off inot the sunset- I mean, she skipped off into UA.

Aizawa sighed, but hey. at least it got the reporters away from them.

"Oh and Aizawa-sensei?" He turned around and saw Kiri looking back at him.

"Yes Tsujo?"

"There's a creepy guy dressed in black with a hand on his face that's still looking this way. He gives me bad mojo." With that Kiri really left and went into the school. Aizawa took a peek behind him not obviously though and saw a guy dressed in black slowly walking away. His eyes narrowed and he took a mental note on about this before leaving back into UA himself.


A/N: Kiri really do be out here having a 10/10 creep radar UMU But wowie all it took was for her to say that All Might was behind her to get the reporters away like why didn't anyone else do that???????? It's not like there were reporters behind them either so they could have lied UMU Oh well. Make sure to vote, comment, add, share, and follow though for more VSCO Kiri!!!!!! Bye~~~~~~~~~~~

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