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"I mean it's fine, it's not like there's anything important." Momo said after thinking for a bit. Todoroki nodded, unbothered by it. Kiri clapped her hands together with a big closed eye smile.

"Great!" The four of them walked to the lunchroom, getting a lot of stares. Maybe it was because Shinso was with them, maybe it was because they survived the villain fight, maybe it was because Kiri was skipping backwards and talking to them, who knows?

"So what's your quirk?" Shinso asked as they sat down. He had to get as much information about them as he could before the festival. It was a good opportunity, so why wouldn't he take it?

"Tell us yours first!" Kiri said extra excited, staring at Shinso with shining eyes. Shinso back 0.000001 millimeters away from her.

"I asked first."

"Booooo~ but fine whatever mine is Bio. What's yours and how does it work?" Shinso couldn't believe it. Momo and Todoroki also couldn't believe it. Why the fuck did she just tell him her quirk?!

Shinso was shook on a whole different note. Why didn't he ask how her quirk worked in the same question? Although he never met Kiri before this, he knew that she was the type to ask him another question because he asked two and she technically asked one. He sighed.

"Brainwashing. All I have to do is get someone to answer me and they're trapped. How does yours work?" Momo and Todoroki were double shocked. He actually answered her?!

"Oh I just gotta get to know someone and I get their info!" Kiri said with a smile, digging into her soba. The other three couldn't believe it.

She literally avoided telling him jack shit about her quirk while telling him about her quirk.

"Kiri." The four of them looked over to see Aizawa and Nezu standing there next to their table. Everyone else in the mess hall was staring intently. Kiri slurped up a noodle and gulped.


"Can we see your chapstick?"

"OMG YOU HAVE DRY LIPS?!?!??! Why didn't you ask me sooner Aizawa-sensei?!" Kiri tossed out ten onto the table, Momo, Todoroki, and Shinso's eyes widening. How the fuck was she able to carry all that?!

"Here, take ANY of them. They're all the same. Oh! But I have two of each flavor, so you can pick off that, it's all Gucci, I have backups in my bag."

"Are any of these hidden pocket knives?" Nezu asked bluntly. Kiri blinked a few times.

"What? No? Why would I mix my knife burts bee's chapsticks with my normal chapsticks? Wait, actually I think I might've..." Kiri started opening all of the chapsticks and looking inside through the wax.

"Huh... I could have sworn..." she tapped her cheek before she got a lightbulb moment.

"It's the one I've been using!" She pulled out another one from her pocket and popped it open. It was obvious to everyone that it had been used not too long ago, and they all froze when they saw a tip of a knife near the top.

"Here it is!"


A/N: You guys really didn't think that I forgot about the knives from back during the hero vs villains class right? UWU I didn't, and also, what the heck just happened? TUT Kiri really used a hidden burts bees knife as literally chapstick! I mean you can't really blame her since it still does have chapstick... for some reason...... anyways damn Kiri is thinking a step ahead with that question and those answers! Someone's taking notes XD ANYWAYS!!! Please vote, comment, add, share, and follow to see everyone's reaction to her using a knife as chapstick!!!!! Bye~~~~~~~

The VSCO Girl of Class 1-A (BNHA Fanfic) **DROPPED**Where stories live. Discover now