A Bitch Gets Cushed Up UWU

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"And here comes the next generation heroes looking amazing in their costumes!" Toshinori said as he watched everyone come out. He was scared though because apparently from what he heard from Aizawa was that there was a strange kid in that class and he wouldn't tell him exactly who it was. All Toshinori was begging inside for was that it wasn't Midoriya that Aizawa was talking about because then he'd kinda be fucked.

But thag allllll disappeared when everyone came out. He instantly spotted the problem kid and it wasn't Midoriya but the bitch who was the only fucking one skipping. Like who the hell skips nowadays? Toshinori coughed into his fist.

"You all look amazing!" He said even though he obviously had problems with a few choices. Kiri smiled and rocked back and forth on her white heelies. She nodded hella happy with her costume. It was a sailor girl outfit (A/N: basically the cover UWU) and she had everything she needed cus it had hella pockets. Of course she had a little notebook and pen to write down some blackmail shit on someone, her knife, spare scrunchies, chapstick, and her vials of drugs to make someone loopy so she can easily get them to talk about their traumatic life story UWU

"We're going to be doing a hero and villain simulation! You'll be paired up and draw lots which decides whether your the hero team or villain team." Toshinori explained. He started pairing people off and Kiri got paired up with Kaminari. She rolled over to him and waved.

"Hiya Kaminari! Guess like we're partners and the villains huh?" She said standing next to him. He sweatdropped. Out of everyone why her?! Of course it was probably better than being paired up with Bakugo because he'd probably just become bait or the sacrificial doll but still, she was second worst.

"OOP! Looks like we're fighting against Todoroki and Shouji so better buckle up Kaminari~" He looked at Kiri in shock, wondering how she could be so calm and happy and just chirpy when they just got pitted against the strongest in the clas.

Time Skip to their match UWU

Kaminari and Kiri were chilling next to the fake bomb. Kiri was bored as hell while Kaminari was a panicked mess.


"Shhh!!!" Kiri shushed. Kaminari looked at her confused and Kiri busted out her notebook and pen and scribbled something down and showed him. After reading it he nodded his head getting the message. He gave Kiri a thumbs up and she gave one back and left the room. Kiri started tiptoeing down the hall quiet as fuck before she saw the backs of Todoroki and Shoujo on the second floor. Kiri smiled cutely and pulled out a vial and walked up behind Todoroki, slamming the opened vial into his mouth and forcing the drug down his throat. Shouji's eyes widened cus he didn't hear Kiri and Todoroki slumped to the ground like a doll. She turned to Shoujo with the same cute smile.

"Do you wanna be drugged too?"


A/N: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH KIRI BE SAVAGEEEE Aslso dun worry her quiet heelies will be explained in the next chapter UWU but damn did she really ask Shouji if he wanna be drugged the fuck up??????? XDXDXD ALSO MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANUKAH, OR HAPPY YULE OR WHATEVER YOU CELEBRATED ON THE 25TH!!!!!! Hopefully it was good UWU I got me that tamagotchi ٩( ᐛ )و ANYWAYSSSSSS don't forget to vote, comment, add, share, and follow!!!!! Byeeeeeee~~~~

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