Chapter Fourteen

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Y/n POV:

Well, that didn't go as planned. I sigh for like the fifth time in ten minutes. I can barely concentrate on the class. "Psst! Oi! Quit spacing out in class!" I hear Haru whisper beside me as he pokes me with his pen.

Even he doesn't know what happened with Tsukasa.... I hate to admit it but I'm actually afraid of him. But the question is why was 'Amane' afraid of him?

After the whole incident with Tsukasa Hanako has been avoiding me completely.

Anytime i try to talk to him he just floats away to Yashiro or he just gives me short answers. Today I must catch him and make him talk!

"L/n! Can you answer this question please?" The teacher calls out to me. "Uuhh x will be 36?" I say more like ask. He just nods his head and continues with the lesson.

Mini time skip.

Yashiro POV:

The tension in here is so thick.... Man, Hanako and Y/n have been acting strange towards each other. Plus Nakamura san disappears any chance he gets.

I calmly mop (again) until Y/n whose cleaning the windows speaks up. "Hanako.... Can i please talk to you?"

He just silently nods and they walk out leaving Kou and I to look at each other.

Y/n POV:

We walk in awkward silence in the halls until i randomly grab his uniform shirt, making him stop.

"Why? Why have you been avoiding me this whole time?....... Ever since the whole Tsukasa thing...... And him calling you Amane and-"

Im cut off by Hanako grabbing my hand. "Why are you so worried? I just needed time to myself... That's it." He tells me but I can tell he's lying.

He won't open up.... Well, I'm one to talk....

Our little 'conversation' is cut short by 2 pairs of footsteps. We both rush to hide near a corner and we're both shocked.

Tsukasa....... With..... Haru?!?!!

How do they even know each other?

I was about to rush out until Hanako held me back and shook his head....

I don't understand.....
Does he remember Tsukasa or....?

Le timeskip to the next day

Y/n POV:

"ALRIGHT LUNCH TIME!" I hear Haru shout beside me as he runs off towards a group of boys. I still don't know why he would speak to Tsukasa of all people....

Seems i need to have a little chat with Tsuchigomori sensei..... That annoying spider..

A/n: The only spider i wouldn't kill😌

Yashiro POV:

"Y/n has been acting strange lately... Knowing her she won't answer if I ask so.... Its time to become.... Detective Yashiro!" I exclaim.

"More like stalker Yashiro....." I hear Kou mutter. "Eh? We're not gonna stalk her... Just follow her around till lunch is over" I shrug.

"Senpai, she'll be pissed if she finds out you know.. And I'd honestly not want an angry (your height) spirit after me.." He says scared, shivering a bit.

I imagine her with devil horns holding her katana and smiling at me.... Yeah! That's scary... "But we must do it for the greater good!" I say.

"Just like you stalked my brother last time?" He questioned. "I DID NOT STALK HIM!..... I just followed him around...." I say quietly.

I grab his hand and start to follow her around.


Yashiro POV:

" *sigh* she hasn't done anything suspicious senpai..... Are you sure this was a good idea?" Kou questioned me with a sigh.

"A good idea to follow me around? Nah, that was a shitty idea, honestly" We both hear a voice behind us.

We immediately turned around only to be met with the face of a very pissed off Y/n. The fact that she's smiling sweetly at us is scary enough.

"You know what? Kou and I ...... Uuhh... Have some important stuff to do..... Bye!" I shout as I grab Kou's hand and run away.

Y/n POV:

So they were following me around while I was following Haru around? Well isn't this interesting.....

Time skip..... Again (I'm sorry lmao😭)

Y/n POV:

I calmly sit on one of the sinks watching everyone else clean and Hanako play cards with the Mokke.

Every now and then I notice Haru glaring at Hanako for some reason. He makes eye contact with me then quickly looks away.

Checking the time i realize it 4:28pm meaning I can go see Tsuchigomori.

"Well, I'm out! See you guys later!" I say hopping off the sink and walking out not even giving anyone time to question me.

As I walk i spot a cute mokke so i just randomly pick it up and it offers me a sweet.

I finally reach the library to see Tsuchigomori just casually going through the books of the living.

"Hey! I think i need your help.... Its about him" I say putting the mokke down.

"Take a seat then....."

A/n: AND DONE! Just so you know next chapter will be Y/n's past... Her true one.... My dumbass really  got malaria💀 tf

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