Chapter fifteen P3

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A/n: last chapter on Y/n's past i swear😭✋🏽 anyways i found an old drawing of Tsukasa i made💀

Note: This takes place under the cherry blossom tree. And it takes place after school hours!

Y/n POV:

Ever since Haru appeared when i was with Tsukasa, he started to ask more questions as to why I was acting weird.

Of course i told him about Tsukasa but he never believed me.

To make matters worse, I haven't been seeing Tsukasa lately. Probably thought it would be a dream come true but when he's not around me I can't guarantee Haru will be safe.

"Why won't you believe me?" I ask Haru a look of desperation and fear on my face. A look I'm sure he's certainly not familiar with.

"Because, ghosts, spirits... They aren't real!" He exclaimed.

"Just listen! Tsukasa will hurt you! I don't trust him one bit!" I said. "Oh okay tell me when this 'Tsukasa' decides to make his presence known!" He says with an eye roll.

Just as he said that, the devil himself appeared right in front of Haru. I shriek in fear....

Haru seems to have noticed a presence in front of him as he takes a step back with sweat on his face.

"You called....? N/n...... Chan?" Tsukasa says with a smile....

A smile I'm all too familiar with.

"O-Oi Y-Y/n..... Please tell me you were joking about this 'Tsukasa' guy.... Cos.... Who.... The.... Hell.... Is... HE???!"
Haru shouts and the end of his sentence.

'Wait.... He can see him?'

"H-Hold on..... Haruto.... Can you... See him?" I stutter. I'm not sure whether i should be glad that he believes me now or not.

"Oh? Who would have thought that it would work? Huh?" Tsukasa laughs to himself.

"So i guess you can see me now right? Haru.... Did i get your name right?" He asks with a fake happiness in his voice.

Usually when someone randomly calls Haru "Haru" apart from me, he'd get really pissed but i guess right now he was too scared of the frightening aura that surrounded Tsukasa.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here... Well... Its because of you!" Tsukasa exclaims as he points at Haru.

He takes a step closer to Haru as Haru takes a step back in fear. I rush to stand in front of the taller blonde male preventing Tsukasa from getting to him.

"N/n.... Move.... Now!" Tsukasa ordered me sternly.

I only shook my head in response. His neutral expression turned into a scowl as he walked towards me again and looked me right in the eye and said, "Move! Or would you rather go down with him? Huh?"

"You know, it would pain me to let my own personal toy die at this very moment so unless you value your life... Move NOW!" He screamed in my face.

I was tempted to move but for the sake of Haru's life i stood my ground feeling weak in my knees.

Haru made one of the biggest mistakes of his life......

He had to open his Goddamn mouth. "Y/n and I have been friends for years! I'm not gonna let some stupid midget spirit try to separate us!"

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath.

No one's POV:

"Oh? If that's how you want it... Fine! Instead of killing one of you....

Ill kill you both! That's actually a better idea right? N/n?"

He opens both his hand as I grab Haru's hand screaming, "RUN!". Unfortunately, it was a dumb mistake of hers to think that she and her friends, mere humans could survive against an appirition.

If they were trained to kill spirits, maybe they'd have a chance but they couldn't...

All she remembers is excruciating pain and everything going black.

The sound of Tsukasa's hysterical laughter the only thing she heard.


Y/n POV:

"Ugh....." I groan as i feel a throbbing pain in my head. I look behind me to see Haru sitting in a sitting position behind me, his legs crossed.

Strangely, he's has a gold katana next to him, his eyes closed. I look down at my clothes to see myself in a f/c.... Kimono?

Suddenly, memories of what happened suddenly hit me like a bus.

I widen my eyes in fear and look around to see if he's still here. The only thing i see is a meadow with f/c flowers and gold flowers.

My drawing pad sits peacefully on my lap..... But with some sort of seal on it?

When i look to Haru all i see is his face right in front of mine, a look of hate in his eyes.

"Y/n..... What the hell happened? Care to explain?" He asks with venom in his voice with everything word he spoke.

"You caused all this? Did you not? I don't know what the hell happened! We're probably dead, somewhere i have no idea of and WHAT THE HELL ARE WE FUCKING WEARING?!?!" He screams at me.

I feel my eyes watering as i look down trying to process it all.

"Maybe.... If I kill you.... This nightmare will end!! Right? That's what he said! That's what he's telling me!!!" He exclaimed with a pained look on his face.

'Wait... He? Don't tell me Tsukasa did something to Haru!'

I was about to reach out to him when suddenly, a voice in my head says, "Control him.... Control his reality... He'll kill you if you don't."

All i did was close my eyes and mutter a few words when i heard a thud..

Haru unconscious.... Lying on the floor.... Probably under my control...

Present day:

"I-I can never forgive myself for that... He doesn't even know what happened! How he became what he is!" I said with tears running down my cheeks.

Tsuchigomori looks at me with pity in his eyes.

"Do you want to tell him? Y/n?" He questioned.

"No......" I shortly replied with a sad look on my face.

"He'd hate me....." I mutter.

A/n; DONE! HA! Next chapter will be back to the anime.

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