Chapter Twelve

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Narrator POV:

'Why? Why would she suddenly want to hang out with number seven? She hardly even knows the guy......

Plus he hardly knows anything about us.' Haru thinks to himself as he sits behind a small desk in the library doing his homework.

A/n: Y/n thought he's in their boundary but he's actually in the library. Holy crap that rhymed... No? Okay bye...

'And she made me talk to that short little shit.....' He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice he broke his pencil.

"Crap!" He says to himself when he realizes.

A pair of light footsteps bring him out of his thoughts. He looks behind him to see a beautiful green haired girl.

His eyes full of anger suddenly go wide and he blushes at the girl's beauty. "You're an apparition right?" She calmy asks.

He nods his head before realizing, 'How did she know in the first place?!?' He asks himself in his head. "If you're wondering how i know im also like Yashiro. Im bound to a spirit so i can tell..." She says as she walks towards him.

"Follow me and ill explain" she orders as she grabs his hand.

'Just who the hell is this girl?' He thinks.


Y/n POV:

I make my way towards the rooftop carrying the small bag of donuts in my hand. I open the door to the roof and i see Hanako leaning against the railing.

He turns around and looks at me with a small smile on his face.

His eyes shift from my face to the bag in my hands. "What's that?" He questioned as he eyed the bag. I walked closer to him and opened the bags. "Donuts...... I remember you saying you like them. So.... Here...." I say as i bring the bag closer to him.

His small smile turns into a child-like grin. As he picks up the first donut to put in his mouth, a black fog? Mist? Thingy.....

Well some black thing suddenly appeared in the sky. A hand reaches out and my f/c katana appears in my hand. I look to my right to see Hanako holding out his knife in a defensive position.

The bag of donuts peacefully on the floor.

A/n: don't worry they're safe..... 😌

A person walks out with a creepy smile on their face. Upon closer inspection the person looks a lot like Hanako.

Apart from him looking like Hanako he looks familiar.

"Hehehehehehe....." He giggles.

That voice........ Is it? Wait it cant be him right? "Did you miss me brother?" He asks Hanako while looking at him, a crazed look in his eyes.

I look at Hanako only to be shocked. He looks....... Scared.......

"Ah! N/n chan...... Good to see you too..... Oh did i interrupt something?" He asks while looking at both Hanako and I confused the scary look in his eyes never faltering.

A/n: n/n - nickname

He starts to play with the black seal on his right cheek as he smiles at me. As he takes a step closer, I slowly take a step back. Hanako doing the same.

So much for peacefully eating donuts.

"What the hell do you want.............


How do you think Y/n knows Tsukasa? Why was she backing away from him?

Till next time😛

A Work Of Perfection (A Hanako x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now