Chapter Nine

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Awwww look at hanako!🥺 Just so you know im gonna skip some parts in the anime so I can add my own scenes.

Y/n POV:

Mitsuba and i have surprisingly become good friends since we met on the roof. Im taking notes in class when the teacher announces he will end class early today.

Although the class seems quiet i can tell they're all rejoicing in their heads.

The moment he walks out the entire class makes noise. Haru is busy jumping about with the other boys in our class with a a bandage on his head.

If you're wondering what happened to him i got revenge on him for running off during our encounter with Tsuchigomori sensei.

I decide to put my head on my table and watch the chaos unfold when I see Hanako floating towards Yashiro. She looks points towards me and continues her chatting with Aoi.

Hanako floats towards me and says he wants me to go to the girls bathroom after school with Yashiro and Kou. He even invited Haru which is weird.

Time skip brought to you by me watching bleach✨👄✨

Y/n POV:

As Im packing my bag to go meet Hanako, Teru walks in with a huge smile on his face. His smiling means Im dead.

He puts his hand on my shoulder "I hope you're coming to the meeting Y/n. I'll hate to drag you like ill have to drag Mister idiot over there" he says smiling evilly as he points to Haru playing with a camera in the corner of the class.

"Yeah, yeah lets go." I say quietly. Guess ill have to cancel my plans i guess.

Teru walks towards Haru probably trying to get him to come but of course Haru started crying anime tears saying that he wants a day off and stuff.

'A day off? Please, you hardly do anything you little shit' i think with a blank look on my face.

So yeah, now I'm just walking beside Teru as he casually drags Haru on the floor. No surprise I guess.

The three of us are getting weird looks from the feeling students remaining in the school.

Iwalk slowly so im behind Teru and i casually slip away to the girls bathroom.

Yashiro POV:

Apparently Hanako kun asked Y/n and Nakamura san to come to the school's bathroom but theyre not here. Hanako frowns a bit then looks at me with a smirk.

He casually brings out a mop and a bucket from only God knows where and next thing i know Im now holding them.

I was about to scream when Kou bursts in with a pink haired ghost girl in ropes screaming her head off.

Narrator POV:

The Younger Minamoto arguments with the pink haired ghost as the trip learned that 'she's is actually a 'he'.

As Kou drags the ghost away, Y/n casually walks in. "The hell was all that about?" She asks Hanako and Yashiro since she saw the commotion going on.

"Y/NNNNN!!!" Hanako shouts as he jumps onto the girl. Yashiro looks with a smile. An unhappy smile. 'I dont know why i feel jealous' Yashiro thinks in her head.

She had been staring at nothing that she didnt even realize Y/n snapping her fingers in front of her face.

"Huh?" She asks with a confused look on her face.

"Number 7 said you can go home early." Y/n tells her. Yashiro's fave turns red from embarrassing herself.

She runs out muttering a small goodbye, her face still red.

Hanako POV:

"So, Haru couldn't come..... So what do you want?" Y/n asks quietly.

Wait..... Why exactly did i want to see her? I don't know why but the way she's so mysterious just draws me towards her.

There's an awkward silence between us for a few minutes until i speak up. "Wanna go to the rooftop?" I asked her.

She nods her head and grabs my hand. Thank goodness she's not looking back. I don't want her to see my face red right now.

Quick question: Whose your favourite tbhk character? Mine is Mitsuba😌 and maybe Tsukasa🤩

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