Chapter twenty two

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After Yashiro is out..

Y/n's POV:

How I'm in this current situation, i have no idea...

All i remember was being in the girls bathroom with Yashiro, Kou and Hanako... Then the next thing i know,

Im being pulled through a mirror.

Waking up, i realize im in a whole new place. A boundary? Beside me is Yashiro, who also seems to be waking up.

When I look up, a familiar head of pink hair grabs my attention. The person turns around and I'm shocked to see


"W-wait... Youre alive?!?" I asked him as i quickly rushed up to embrace him. Out of character for me but at this moment i couldn't care less.

He looks at me smugly and flips his hair, "I'm hurt, you thought you could get rid of me that easily?"

The moment he says that i instantly feel like kicking him in the face.

"Hey Yashiro you goo- what in the-"

I turn around to check on Yashiro but she's already rushing towards Mitsuba, her face extremely red that you'd think she's dying.

Since the two are way to busy flirting, i look around to see a bunch of mirrors.

No way.... This can't be where I'm thinking...

The boundary of the third mystery,

The hell of mirrors.

I've heard creepy rumors about this place...

Now the question is.... How is Mitsuba still here? Shouldn't be have turned into nothing by now?

What on earth is going on?

(A/n: sorry to interrupt but at the moment the story will go my own way since i can't quite remember what happened😆)

I resist the urge to throw up looking at Yashiro flirting with Mitsuba.. That is until he shut her down completely...

That i find funny.

I turn and look in one of the mirrors around for a few seconds until I'm not met with the reflection of my face.

Well, at closer inspection it seems to be my face but i shriek and step back a bit, gaining the attention of the two people.

Another version of me.. Smiling widely, until that smile turns evil, twisted...

Any word that can be used to describe that look....

"Y/n..... Whats wrong? Stay still sk i can sketch you!!" 'I' say happily.

"Hey Y/n? Remember me? Remember us? Come on, you can't forget that easily can you?" The familiar voice of my best friend is heard from the mirror.

The humming of a particular song comes from the versions of Haru and I in the mirror.

For some reason it sounded so familiar but couldn't pin point where its from.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" I hear Yashiro ask me. She can't see it?

She looks in the mirror for some time before she also shrieks like a did a few moments ago.

The sound of footsteps grabs our attention.. Looking towards the source of the sound, everyone becomes dead silent...

No ones POV:

The fear in the eyes of the h/c ghost evident... She looks like she's about to puke...

'So i wasnt hallucinating.... Haru is actually with Tsukasa...' She thought as her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Surprised? Y/n?" The blonde boy smiled at her.

He takes slow steps towards her, Y/n walking backwards in response till her back hits the railing....

He rests his hands on her shoulders with a blank look on his face..

"You don't know how long I've kept this to myself.. Hahaha! That fearful look in your eyes!

I love it!"

"H-Hey! What are you doing!!?!!" Yashiro yells.

Just as she finishes screaming, two hands reach out from a mirror, and Kou and Hanako came out of it...

Determined looks on their faces.

Kou's determined face instantly falls, the moment he glances and registers Mitsuba's presence.

"Huh? M-Mitsuba?!" He mutters confused.

"Kaito just what the hell are you doing?!" Hanako asks angrily as he notices the position the two 8th mysteries are in.

"What? You feel obligated to protect her? Is that it?!? I've always hated you Hanako... Or rather...

Amane Yugi! I've wanted you to vanish from this world forever!"

Hanako just stares at the boy confused.

"I don't think we've met until recently though...."

"Ugh! Of course we have you midget! Why else would i hate you?! You may be the most powerful among us 8 mysteries but that doesn't mean our powers don't work on each other!

You've managed to steal my Y/n away from me! Even after all i did! Ask Tsukasa! He knows!"

Everyone turned to look at the mentioned boy but he was already beside Yashiro.

He managed to knock her out easily with no effort at all.

"Eh? Why are you all looking at me? I don't care what you do boy, but if you touch Amane you're dead meat kay?" He smiled angrily.

"O-oi What do you mean?" Y/n asked the boy in front of her confused and scared.

He puts a hand on her face and gently strokes it, humming the same time from earlier.

He turns towards Hanako and with a monotone voice asks him, "You want her?"

The 7th mystery doesn't respond but the expression on his face gives the blonde boy his answer.

"Then come get her..." Y/n was simply pushed down...

She heard the sounds of screams... Little did she know they were hers...

A/n: So uuhh... This book might be ending soon... But i promise there will be a book 2 for season 2👩🏽

Anyways what do y'all think of this chapter. Kinda hated writing this but meh😪

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