Chapter Three

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Y/n POV:

Haru and I were summoned. Now in front of us are 3 humans. Actually taking a closer look theyre 2. 1 if them seems to be a ghost.

I was expecting someone more interesting but instead I see Yashiro san and Kou kun....... Wait why are they summoning us?

Thank God that Haru and I have cloaks and masks covering us. I'm pretty sure Kou kun would tell his brother if he found out who Haru and I really are.

Yashiro POV:

The two spirits have the hoods of their cloaks down. The one in the yellow mask has short messy blonde hair with black roots and the one in a f/c mask had beautiful h/c hair.

They don't seem to have any weapons on them but they start walking towards us. Hanako and Kou start moving backwards. I guess they're scared?

The one in a yellow mask begins to speak. "Hello, I am Kaito san and this is Sakura san" he says in a monotone voice. "One of us controls reality and the other controls the imagination of the mind"the other one starts.

Y/n and Haru POV:

"Can you tell what each of us controls?" We say at the same time.

Yashiro POV:

"Uuuhhhh......... The one in a f/c mask and kimono controls imagination? And the one in a yellow mask controls reality?" Kou says, more like asks.

I'm sure he's right because Hanako kun was nodding his head in agreement. "What about you? What's your answer?" The one in a f/c mask asks me. That's Sakura san I guess.

I nod my head and say with a proud look, "I agree with Kou and Hanako kun".

"Wrong answer" Kaito san says. I can literally tell he's smirking under that mask right now.

"EEEEHHH?" Kou and I scream. We don't even have time to process what's going on and before I realize, Kou and Hanako are being attacked. Sakura san has a f/c katana and Kaito san has a gold one.

I can't believe I was wrong. Does this mean they're gonna kill us?

If this is happening that means we're doomed.......... But what about their Yorishiro? Exactly.

Just as I was about to ask Hanako about it he shouts, "Yashiro, pull that branch to your right." As I reach the branch I look behind me to see Kaito san right behind me trying to grab my arm but its too late.

I've already pulled it.

Our surroundings change to a beautiful dark meadow. The meadow is full of f/c and golden flowers.

Hanako and kou are right beside me but when I look in front of us, I don't see the regular Sakura san and Kaito san as before.

Their cloaks are gone and their clothes seem more elegant.

They both begin laughing...... I have a bad feeling about this for some reason.

Y/n POV:

"Hahahaha, you do realize that Kaito and I are more powerful in our own boundary right?" I asked. More like insulted them but not like they'd have enough time to process it.

"Or are you three just so dumb?" Haru taunts them. "Not like it matters anyways. Trying to take our Yorishiro? Well just a heads up, you'll die before you even find it." We say at the same time.

3rd Person POV:

The h/c ghost runs towards Hanako while her partner runs towards Kou.

She takes her f/c katana and begins slashing. Hanako already has his knife and his cloak out.

Now with the other two, Haru and Kou are constantly trying to get hits on each other. Haru gets his katana near kou's neck but he was one second too slow so Kou uses his staff to hit his opponent sending a shock to his body.

Haru screams but manages to back flip and land shakily on his feet.

Y/n and Hanako have been trying to kill each other. Well mainly Y/n trying to kill him but you know what I mean.

Yashiro just stands at a safe distance trying to see if she can find where their Yorishiro is kept.

Yashiro POV:

I decide to take a quick look around to see if there's any place suspicious. I need to find their yorishiro otherwise Hanako kun and Kou might die.

Well, Hanako is already dead and all...

As I run around I come across a small cave. I step inside to see it pit with beautiful candles with f/c and orange fire.

Its seems on the inside the cave looks more like a house. I feel like taking a quick look around.

I was about to admire the place when I heard a feminine voice shout "ENOUGH" from the outside.

Okay, no time for distractions right now. I walk into a room that seems even more beautiful than the entire place. In front of me are two seals.

One on a beautiful drawing pad? And the other on a random camera.

I look behind me only to see Sakura san with a deadly aura around her. She started walking towards me but I grab both the drawing pad and camera from the table.

I can't see her face but I can tell she's horrified. She starts to run towards me but it seems as if everything is in slow motion;

I rip the seal off the drawing pad and I hear a Scream of anger from Sakura san.

Our surroundings looks like its breaking and I see Kaito san, Hanako and Kou next to us.

Its seems we're in the past. Kind of like a flashback and what we see shocks us all................

A Work Of Perfection (A Hanako x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now