Chapter twenty four

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A/n: A little test for my readers. Which country do you think I'm from?

For those who know me irl... Don't answer🤨

No ones POV:

"I'm not going anywhere...

And neither is she..."

No one knows how it happened...

What caused her sudden disappearance, little by little, everyone seemed to forget the name..

Y/n L/n....

She woke up in a dark place, barely anything was visible to her e/c eyes as she glanced around in confusion.

The last thing she saw was her best friend pushing her down.

'Is this hell?' Y/n thought as she started walking forward.

"If you'd call your mind hell... Then yes.. It is." A voice suddenly said.

Y/n jumped at the unexpected voice. In front of her was a pair of glowing blue eyes, the body and rest of the face couldn't be seen by her.

"Who are you and where am I?" Y/n questioned aggressively, trying to make her katana appear.

It was when he gasped realizing that it didn't work, that the voice was heard cackling.

"Your powers  or whatever you call it don't exist in here. Like I said, this is your mind.

A dark and hollow place.. A nightmare."


Y/n POV:

The thing never told me who or what it was. I stared at it before it began cackling again, probably finding my confused silence amusing.

"What are you doing here" the voice asked me.

"I thought you'd already know since you're creepy and all.

But... My best friend  tried to kill me so ...yeah..." I muttered while sitting down on the ground.

"How can he kill what is already dead? Besides, you don't see it do you?"

See what? In this place? I can barely see myself in here.

"See what?"

"The boy you're always with, your destinies are tied. Theres nothing you can do about it."

"Haruto? No wonder he sticks to me like glue..."

The voice laughed, mocking me.

"The so called 7th mystery...."

"...Hanako?!" I shrieked as i jumped off the ground.

"Don't be ridiculous! If it wasn't for Yashiro i would've never met him! The hell do you mean by our destinies are tied?!
I may be a supernatural but this is-"

"Oh shut up would you! You saw something before waking up here did you not?!

Don't you remember seeing him there?!! Now i have a question for you..

Where was your so called bestfriend? Why didnt you see him huh?"


"Its because he never existed in your world! He was a fragment of your own imagination!"

"Then.... How come i have memories of him with me? I remember meeting him back in school-"

"You created him. Dont forget, when you became the 8th mystery, what was your ability?

Let me remind you!

It is to alter reality! You altered your own reality without even realizing it!

Look where that got you. Your own creation is trying to kill you!

Haha! Pathetic story is it not?" The voice's laughter echoed throughout wherever we were.

As I was about to move towards it, my foot kicked a stone and without even sparing a second, i crouched down and grabbed it, throwing it at the thing.


The thing was suddenly behind me without me even realizing until it was a second too late.

My hair was grabbed and i could finally see where we were.

I looked behind me trying to see the thing's face and I'm suddenly met with my own..

"What the-"

"You always loved in your own fantasy world... Drawing, reading, were never in touch with reality.

You never did notice him did you? He was always there!"

"Just who the hell are you?!? And let go of my hair!"

"I am the one showing you everything. You think you allowed that Tsukasa boy to ruin your entire life right?

The only one who ruined your life was yourself! You became bound to this school. These walls that hold their own secrets...

If putting you through torture will make you realize yourself, then so be it!"

A sudden headache, ready to split my head in two made me wince, the voice  was still speaking but the sudden pain made every word sound ridiculous to me.

The place that lighted up turned dark again.. Or was it me regaining my consciousness?

A/n: nah coz my English teacher did me so dirty. For once in my life I was proud of my essay that crusty ass mf gave me a shitty mark😒

Who knows what's gonna happen in the next chapter?😏

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