Chapter Twenty Five

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A/n: Im back my children!! Anyways, if you're a squid game fan, just wanted to let you know that i have an x reader out already.

Feel free to check it out if you want..... *cough*please do *cough* *cough*

Y/n POV:

I felt myself slump against a wall, groaning in pain since my position was not comfortable in the slightest bit.

I felt tears welling in my eyes when i remembered what happened in my 'dream'.

"Haru was just my imagination.... He's not real....." I muttered.

Finally gaining a sense of confidence, wanting to end all this, i looked around, hoping to find something that can help me.

My eyes lit up spotting a staircase.

"If I'm correct, i fell from the top so...." I smiled to myself and instantly sprinted up the stairs.

If this whole thing is ending then i want to end it my way.

Getting closer to the top, i heard shouts and yells, along with the sound of metal clanking and mocking laughter.

I summoned my katana with a newfound determination,

"Ya! Thought could get rid of me so easily?" I smiled.

I saw my partner's face drop.... He stared at me before letting out a low growl.

His facial expression suddenly changed into a mocking smile as he began to clap slowly.

"No... I knew you'd come back.. Just didn't expect it to be so soon...."

Haru's eyes fell on my katana and his eyes seemed to scream a whole different emotion that what his face showed.

"Why do you have.... t-that?!!" I walked towards him slowly and he stepped back with each step i took.

"I know" i simply said.

"Know what? You can't just pop out of nowhere telling me you know something and expecting me to know what the hell you mean." He glared.

"You're not real"

"Correction... I wasn't... Now i am. You made me become apart of this reality remember? I used to think, how pathetic is this girl, really." The boy shrugged unconcerned.

"Why are you like this?" I asked confused.. It didn't make sense to me.

"Why did i see Hanako in my past huh? Why didn't i remember him before?" I continued, awaiting an answer.

"Because i didn't want you to. You and I, we're one. You made it this way. You can't exist without me and I can't exist without you."

"You still didn't answer my question though... Why didn't i remember Hanako until recently?"

"......... Because.... You both cheated life.... He was supposed to grow up, get a job and.....

Marry you.."

I choked on literal air when he said the last part.

"What?!" I managed to breathe out.

"You heard me. Dont make me repeat myself.

In the 4 O'clock library, what colour do you think your book was?"

"" I asked in a low voice, unsure of Haru's next words.

"Red... It was red Y/n... Both you and that midget.

If it wasn't for your wild imagination and Yugi's strange obsession for giving up, i wouldn't be here."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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