Chapter Sixteen

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No one's POV:

It was a peaceful afternoon for Y/n as she walked around the school....

No secretary duties, no chaotic best friend.... But she still had to get Hanako to speak to her....


"Oi..... Oooiiii!" Whined Y/n as she poked Hanako's cheeks. Yashiro stood there confused.

She was shocked to see that instead of Hanako trying to get Y/n's attention, it was the other way round.

All Hanako did was look her in the eyes and smile widely. "Yes?"

Y/n suddenly felt nervous just by looking at his smile and so did Yashiro. "Never mind..." She mutters as she walks out.

Flashback end

Well, it was peaceful until she heard shouting. She looked to her right to see Kou? Shouting at... Mistuba?

"AW COME ON JUST ONE!" Kou shouted as he shook the poor pink haired apparition.

"What in the hell is going on over there?" She muttered as she walked towards the chaotic scene.

"HEY GIMME BACK MY CAMERA!!" Mitsuba shouted at Kou.



As the two kept bickering, it took them a minute to realize Y/n's presence. "Eh? Y/n Senpai? What are you doing here?" Kou asked as he still held Mitsuba's camera in his hand.

"Ey! Its grumpy girl!" Mitsuba exclaimed.

The h/c ghost eye twitched but decided not to explode on the pink haired ghost.

"Oh! Kou! L/n senpai! What are you two doing here?" A brown haired boy who seemed to be Kou's friend asked.

"Huh? Just taking pictures with my favourite senpai here..." Kou says with a fake smile.

'I'm his favourite senpai?! I feel honoured' Y/n cried happily in her head.

As this was going on, Y/n noticed Mitsuba standing away from them. "Eh? That camera..... That's Mitsuba's.." The boy said.

Now this was something that sparked interest in the 8th mystery. "You knew him?" Kou questioned.

All he got was a nod from his friend. "He was in our class in our first year... But he was moved to another one so i don't blame you if you don't remember him."

"WAIT WHAT?!?" Kou shouted as he looked at Mitsuba, Y/n doing the same.

"Do.... You know how he died?" Y/n asked quietly.

"It was in winter.... They say he died in some sort of accident.."

"Mitsuba...." Kou muttered.

Y/n POV:

It seems like these two have some history together... And its probably none of my business.

I sigh quietly and walk away as it starts to rain. Looking behind me to see Mitsuba with a sad look and Kou standing next to him.


As i walk towards the girls bathroom, i pass by the radio club? It something like that.

As i look inside, i see a boy with brown hair and a girl with green hair.  As i continue to peek inside, my eyes widen so much that someone would think they'd pop out.


What makes this situation even worse is Haru is with him. He's happily blushing as he tries to.... Seduce the green haired girl?

I feel the urge to go in there and grab him but the fact that Tsukasa is around frightens the daylight out of me!

"What do i do? What do I do? What do I do? Dammit!" I whisper yell as i grab my h/c hair.

My entire world seems to stop when i hear shuffling and footsteps reaching the door.


I did the first thing any rational person would do....

I ran......

Of course i hid near i corner cos if i ran straight it would be over for me.

I peep to see Haru and the boy looking around and shrugging before closing the door behind them.

My only option left......

Ask Hanako for help.

A/n: This is part of episode 8. Next chapter will be the end of the episode i think?

Managed to write this after using energy drinks as fuel cos i fell asleep 👁👄👁👌🏽

I don't think ive checked for errors so feel free to point them out🏃🏽‍♀

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