Chapter Eleven

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Y/n POV:

"Okay so what do we need again?..."

"Geez Y/n senpai, I've told you already. We need, flour, eggs, sugar and yeast for now" Kou says as he face palms. "What its not my fault i don't bake.... I mean im dead." I say with a shrug.

A/n: irl i bake stuff with my mum and sis so i actually know how. Also i can't remember all the ingredients for donuts(ToT)

Kou sets all the stuff on the counter including some bowls and a tray.

"You sure you wanna do this Y/n senpai? It not easy" he says with a tiny smirk on his face.

Ummmm... When the hell did this child learn to smirk?!?

Anyways "Lets do this! It can't be that bad.... Plus, I'm the school's 8th mystery" I say with determination. I actually just felt like doing this for Hanako. I don't have a solid reason why.

Mini Time skip

Narrator POV:

"Who was gonna tell me kneading dough was so damn hard?!?!" Y/n whines as she cries anime tears.

'I told you it wasn't going to be easy. Plus i think this is the first time I've seen her act so childish' Kou thinks as he watches the (h/c)ette struggling to knead the dough.

Mini time skip

Narrator POV:

After a few long minutes, Y/n and Kou finally managed to get everything done. Well except for frying it.

"Alright Y/n Senpai, Its time to fry it" Kou says happily as he wipes the sweat off his forehead.

"Finally....." The (h/c)ette sighs in relief. As Kou fries it a certain noise take his and Y/n's attention from the donuts.

As they look to the door, they see Kou's older brother Teru standing there with a confused look on his face. "Nii-san...... What are you doing here?" Kou questioned.

"I was looking for Y/n and a certain someone told me where she was..." He tells them as he holds one of the adorable Mokke in his hands.

The Mokke quickly jumps away from him and lands in Y/n's hands. "Want candy" it asks her as it holds one out. ".......sure....."

"Oh? You're making donuts? For what though? Y/n.... Did you know that Kou does all the coo......" Teru starts but Kou shoves a donut in his mouth as he shouts "UUHH HERE NII-SAN HAVE A DONUT OKAY?" Y/n silently laughs as she watches the chaos unfold.

"By the way Y/n........ Have you seen your idiot companion? He suddenly vanished and now i can't find him" Teru questioned as he happily chews on his donut.

"I don't know." 'He probably ran off to our boundary to escape Teru. I hope he remembered to ask Hanako to go to the roof for me.

Im probably gonna get teased later'  The (h/c)ette thinks to herself with a gloomy aura around her.

"Here you go Y/n Senpai. All done" Kou says as he gives the (h/c)ette a small bag full of donuts.

She nods her head in gratitude as she walks away. 'I wonder who they're for' Kou thinks.

"Who are the donuts for Y/n? I almost forgot to ask." Teru asks. Y/n's face suddenly felt really hot. "Uuhhh bye!" She says quickly as she runs of in a direction of only God knows where.

Somewhere else.........


"Well done..." A beautiful girl with green hair praises a little Mokke as it sits on her lap. 'Its all going to plan' She thinks with an unreadable expression on her face.

Sorry this is short. I really want to finish  my Gojo drawing.......

I might post it when im done idk👀

Who else has watched the new AOT episode cos i have😌

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