Chapter 24

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Namjoon's POV~

When I made it to Jungkook's and Taehyung's room, I kicked the door to make my presence known. It was quite. I managed to hold onto the tray and open the door without dropping the tray. I felt rather proud of myself as I did not drop the tray. 

I kicked the door shut and flinched as it slammed. I walked over to the bed where a noticeable lump was under the covers. I sat the tray on the bedside table before I sat on the edge of the bed. 

I rubbed the lump, which I'm sure was Taehyung. 

"Hmmm Kookie." He mumbled. I grabbed the blanket and exposed my lil taebear. 

"Taebear." I rubbed his shoulder to wake him up. He blinked up at me. 

"Joonie? What're you doing here? I thought you were on your heat?" He asked softly, his voice rough and deep from just waking up. 

"I was. And I was downstairs for breakfast when I ran into Jungkook." He nodded as he picked up his tray and started to eat his breakfast. 

"So has Jungkook apologized?" I asked, snatching one of his french toast piece. 

"Yes and he's been so kind."


"I don't know Joon. He just hurt me and I don't know if I'm ready to completely forgive him yet." I nodded in understanding at his words. 

"I know he hurt you but, you can't hate him forever Tae." I reasoned. He started to pick at his breakfast. 

"I-I don't hate him." He said softly. 

"H-He scared me Joon. And I've forgiven him but I just- it- I" He started to fumble over his words. 

"Shh Taetae. When was the last time you two really talked?" I asked sitting next to him. I leaned into him so he could feel comforted. 

"We talked yesterday. And-" There was a knock at the door which grabbed our attention. 

"T-Tae can I talk to you?" Jungkook spoke softly from the door. Taehyung offered a subtle nod. Jungkook walked into the room and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Tae-baby, I'm so so sorry." Jungkook cried out. I picked the tray up and moved it out of the way as Jungkook crawled into Tae's lap. His head rested on his thighs as his arms wrapped around his middle. 

Tae rubbed his fingers through Jungkooks hair. 

"I-I've never loved anyone like this before. I g-got upset with what you said. A-and I know I was in the w-wrong t-too. P-Please forgive me T-Tae!" He begged. Tae sighed as a few tears ran down his cheeks. 

"I forgive you Kookie. BUT never do something like that again!" He pouted and he smacked his head softly. 

Jungkook smiled so brightly it seemed to light up the room. He leaned up and their lips met. As things became more heated I took it as my time to leave. I scooted out of the bed and quickly left the room in order to ovoid the upcoming activities. 

When I made it back to Seokjin's and I room I was stumped. 

Different colored suit cases decorated the bed. 

Were we going some place? 

"Jin?" I called out to my mate. He emerged from the bathroom with a little travel bag. 

"Where are we going?" I asked playing with the zippers of the suit cases. 

"We're going to meet the council."  


This is sort of a filler chapter but wanted to make Taehyung and Jungkook back on good terms. The next few chapters will be of their argument/makeup process during Namjoon's heat. 

Till next time my dearies 


Love Knows No Bounds [Namjin]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang