Chapter 27

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Seokjin POV~

I was dumbstruck as my mate was engulfed in the arms of a rogue. And not just any rogue. But the King of the Rogues. I felt nervous that my mate was in his arms. Family or not.

I walked up to the pair. When I was within arms length I grabbed onto Namjoon's hips and pulled him into me. A huge whine left him as he made grabby hands for his 'uncle'.

A lad grail erupted from the King. His eyes glowed a dull but bright red.

"Unhand my nephew blood demon!" The old man screamed.

"I could say the same mutt!" I hissed at him.

"Alright everyone calm down!" Namjoon yelped between us. 

"Uncle Mun, this is my mate Seokjin." Namjoon introduced us. Mun's facial features relaxed but remained hardened. Namjoon wiggled out of my arms and back to his uncles. 

"I've missed you!" Namjoon whispered into his chest. Mun ran his hand through Namjoon's hair. My hands still twitched wanting to pull him away again. 

"When they took you I was so worried. I feared the worst." Mun said pulling away and looking down at Namjoon. 

"I fared alright. Taehyung was with me." Namjoon said. His gaze fell beside me, where Taehyung was standing. Mun walked over to Taehyung. 

"Thank you. It was about time someone respectable was born to your bloodline." Mun turned and glared at the other King that walked in with him. 

"You can't blame him to much. I mean male omegas are just a disgrace anyway." I heard Taehyung sass. 

"Watch yourself brat." 

"Good to See you too... Father." I heard Taehyung mumble.

"He's your father!" Jungkook  whisper yelled. Whispers erupted around the room, spreading like wildfire.

"This is the best council meeting I've ever been too."

"More family drama."

"It's always the wolves."

I rolled my eyes at our accumulated peanut gallery.

"Why don't we settle some business. That is why we are here after all. We can handle the family matters after." I spoke above the rest. There were a few more whispers that followed as we made our ways back to our seats. The time we got seated, servers came in with our brunch.

"King Seokjin, you called this meeting over some matters which we will discuss over the course of time we are here together. If you would present the matters you wish to discuss." I nodded to the dragon elder

"I want to propose a truce between my Species and the wolves. As you all know this has been a hot topic for years now. But I think it is more important than ever." I stated. Namjoon looked up at me cutely. His little cheeks stuffed with his little sandwiches. 

"Oh?" King Baesin* cockily asked. He was the soul reason we haven't been able to have peace between our species. He was still holding grudges from the 5 generations before his time. I'm not even the decedent of the orginal Vampire King that they have such problems with. 

We shouldn't be punished for something we had no apart of. 

"It seems the Omega Trade is back." That simple statement had gotten a rise from everyone. 

"Do you have proof for such accusations?" The queen of the water nymphs asked. Granted it was called the 'Omega Trade' but it wasn't just omegas that were sold and used. 

"Indeed I do. But we shall discuss such matters when we have a more official meeting." I said. I picked up my glass of wine, making direct eye contact with Baesin, I smirked behind my glass as the fury grew within him. 

We spent another good hour or so discussing different topics. 

"Jinnine." Namjoon whined softly whined from my lap. I pecked his cheek, already knowing what he wanted. 

"If you would excuse us. We are going to retire for the night." I excused Namjoon and I. Jungkook and Taehyung stood as well. Following us out but they weren't the only ones. 

"Can we still talk?"

I turned to face King Mun. 

"Of course. Would you like to come up to our floor?" 

He nodded. We made our way over to the elevators and up to our suite. We had to walk a short distance to our door but once we made it. 

Namjoon and Taehyung immediately ran around looking at everything. It took Namjoon longer to return. Everyone was seated on the fluffy couch cushions when he made his way back to me. I smiled as he shuffled over to me and snuggled into my side. 

"Namjoon. I-.. If I would have-" 

"It's okay. I don't blame you uncle. Eomma never did either." Namjoon gave his uncle a soft look but I still noticed the tears behind the mans eyes. Namjoon stood and walked over to his uncle. He was engulfed in his arms holding him close. 

"First I lost you and your mother. Then they said they found you only to lose you again!" His voice cracked as he held my mate. 

"It's okay uncle. I like to think things are starting to look up." He said happily. I smiled as I took some of that credit. King Mun pulled away and looked down at Namjoon. Then over his shoulder and over at me. 

"He treats you right, right?" Mun stared Namjoon down. 

"I've never been treated better." Mun smiled, which fell when he looked at me. 

"If you ever hurt him. I will hunt you down. And kill you. Slowly." 

"I do not take likely to being threatened." I challenged. Mun smirked. 

"I like him." Mun laughed. 

"Now lets talk about this meeting." 


Hey guys! I updated!

I'm so sorry about the lack of me updating. I've been in a really bad low period and it's taken me a while to bring myself back up. But I love reading y'alls comments, they really make me happy :) 

It also took me like 3-4 days to right this chapter. So I hope it was good a fluent. 


Baesin means betrayal (treason, treacherousness, sellout, etc.) in Korean [according to]. 

Little foreshadow if you will 😉🙃


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