Chapter 18

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Note @ the bottom. Also mentions of rape/trafficking.

Seokjin's POV~

I stared lovingly at my mate who was sleeping soundly on my office couch. I was working on the never ending paperwork of kingship when the soft little snores warmed my heart.

I was waiting for him to fall asleep as he never did last night. We stayed up all night and talked. Of course I don't need sleep but his bloods warmer than mine.

I tore my gaze from my mate to focus back on my work when I was interrupted by my fathers intrusion. He was followed by a woman I've never seen before.


"Son I come bearing gifts!" He claps his hands excitedly. His loud exclaim stirs my mate from his peaceful slumber. It also stirs my annoyance of his disturbance.

"Gifts?" I ask not seeing my father with anything but the woman.

"Not for you. For him." My father turns my attention strictly to my mate.

"M-Me?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"What are you gifting him father?" I asked coming around my desk and closer to Namjoon as the stranger eyed him closely.

"His sight." The woman answered this time.

We were engulfed in a thick uncomfortable silence. Until it was broken by laughter.

"You can't fix my sight." Namjoon giggled. I was taken aback by his outburst.

"How would you fix his sight anyway?" I asked. I was a little bit more hopeful in the matter.

"Well I was doing some research and there's natural ways that his vision could be restored depending on how it was lost." My father answered. He pulled up a chair and sat across from us. The woman following suit.

"You can't fix my sight." Namjoon said quieter this time. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. His hand was still in mine. I didn't need to be bonded with him to feel his sadness.

"How was your sight lost?" My father asked. I sent him a pointed look but he paid no mind.

"I was cursed with darkness. The only one who can take it away is the witch that cast it." He whispered. A single tear streaked down his face. I felt a burning rage course through my veins.

Who would do such an awful thing to such a sweet boy.

"I know Namjoonie that's why I'm here." Namjoon burst into tears and jumped into my lap. His little claws extend and made home in my back.

The torn flesh kept me grounded from ripping her head off.

"I should have you-"
"Careful how you finish that blood-sucker. I'm here to help."

I bit my tongue to keep quiet.

"Why did you do it in the first place?" I sighed trying to calm my distressed mate. His smell scared pheromones made the room sour.

"It was a mistake and improper judgment on my part. My mate had bought him at the Trade and when I found them in bed together I was furious." She pauses for a moment and Namjoon went still in my lap. His form was tense and ridged.

I rubbed his back in a soothing manor as he began to shake. I had an idea as to why he started to panic more. The woman continued.

"I took my anger out on Namjoon, not knowing the truth. He took my mate so I wanted to take something from him. So I took his sight. When I learned the truth I was ridden with guilt. I went back to fix what I had down but they said they gotten rid of you. I'm so sorry Namjoon. If I would've known I never-" the woman looked so fragile but Namjoon couldn't see that. He turned from me and growled.

"I was 15! Do you know the hell I've been through?!"

"No and I'm sorry! I've been trying to find you but I kept coming up empty. I felt so guilty about what I have done that I made sure the ring leaders paid. And I started to help others too. I-"

"That doesn't do anything for me." Namjoon whispered. Everything was quite again.

"You helped the others because you felt guilty. Not because you are a good person."

"How-How can I make it up to you?" She practically begged.

"Give me back what you took from me! And when I can see again I never want to see you again." He hissed at the witch. She nodded and kept her gaze down to the floor. She sat a little glass bottle and dropper down on the table.

"One drop in each eyes once a day will bring his sight back. If it doesn't your father knows where to find me. I want to make this right no matter what it takes." She stood and left. My father looked at me softly but followed her out, shutting the door behind them.

Namjoon started to cry again, I just held him close until his tears stopped falling and he succumbed to sleep.

I know I haven't updated in forever ...

But I have good news!! In two weeks I'll be done with school stuff for a while and I'll have more time to update!

I also have a few stories I want to publish but I made a rule to only have 3 published works under construction. So I must finish one to publish another.

This book is closer to done than my other ones (but there's still like +30 chapters left to this one). But this book deserves and needs my attention.

I was struggling with bring Namjoon's sight back because that sets a tidal wave for what's to come.


It's past midnight and I need sleep so I'll probably come back to make edits on this chapter tomorrow. Hopefully Chapter 19 will get published tomorrow!!

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