Chapter 25

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Namjoon's POV~

"NO! I refuse to go!" I screamed from my hiding spot. I guess it wasn't much of a hiding spot now. The main point was Seokjin couldn't get me while I threw my tantrum. 

"Namjoon get out from under the bed!" He sighed for the upting time. 

"No!" I barked back. There was no way I was going. He sighed again before he walked away. I could see his retreating feet. I felt a wave of relief once he was gone. There was no way I was going. I couldn't go even if I wanted to. 

I cowered back when I heard more footsteps coming. The bed creaked as it now supported someone's weight. I looked up to see an upside down Taehyung. 

"Joonie?" He called out to me. 

"Go away Tae! I'm not coming out!" I growled. He stuck his hand under the bed. I growled again and threw dust bunnies at him.  

"Begone!" I whined when he didn't move. 

"C'mon Joonie. I don't want to go either but-" He paused in thought for a minute. 

"I think it would be good that we go. Beside now you can bribe Jin-hyung to do stuff for you so you'll go." 

"What?" I heard Jin asked from somewhere in the room. 

"He pulled the same one on me hyung." Jungkook sighed in a defeated manor. 

"Hush bunny boy! You'll enjoy it!" I could hear the evil smirk on Tae's face. I weighed my options and decided that Tae did make a point. I reluctantly slid out from my safe place. Once I was on my feet I dusted myself off. 

"When are we leaving?" I sighed. 

"As soon as you're packed." Jin answered. I nodded and went into our closet. I came out with an arm load of clothing and sat it on the bed. The taekook couple left us to our packing. Once we were finished we met up with them at the front door. 

We loaded our stuff into the car then ourselves. 

"Why did you guys not want to come?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung was perched in his lap. Stating that the leather seats were too cold. 

"I get that your trying to do your whole treaty thing but the council members are like old wrinkly di-" 

"Don't finish that sentence." I stopped him. 

"What else are we going to be doing there?" I asked playing with Jin's large hand. 

"I have a few ideas. I was thinking we would stay a week or so and do what we please. The area is actually quite beautiful. We'll think of something." Jin shrugged. He had a cheeky smile so I knew he was up to something, but I didn't press it. 

I yawned and snuggled more into his side. The low rumble of the engine lulled me to sleep. 

~~Time SKIPPY~~

I felt light and airy. The floaty feeling is actually what woke me up. 

I was being carried into a very large hotel.

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I was completely in awe. It was so beautiful. 

The tall mountains pushed the limits as they rose into the sky. 

Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing after all. 


I know it's short..... 

But the next chapter will be longer I promise!!

So Jin is one step closer to having peace.   Or is he?


AlSo YoU gUyS aNd GaLs!!!!

I published another book 😅

I know I've said I wouldn't publish another book until one of my three were finished...but(t), I couldn't resist...

Going Once - Going Twice is a BTS OT7 

Description: In a world, much like our own, except instead of being dominated by humans it's dominated by the supernatural. Humans are rare and they are expensive.

~~~"The bidding will start at 25 million." - - -"Sold to Bangtan for 7 billion dollars." ~~~Yoongi never lived an easy life. What human could in a world like this? But his entire world got wreaked when he was captured and was set to be sold. Sold to the most powerful supernatural group this world has ever seen.

It's still a baby-baby as it is only about 4 chapters deep. 

Anywho, Stay safe and healthy everyone!!

I purple you 💜💜💜


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