Chapter 15

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Seokjin's POV~

"What the hell is going on here?"

My head whipped around to the new voice.

"What is this? Why are there mutts in here? They're stinking up the place." I chuckled at my mother.

"Mother, father. It's good to see you too." I felt Namjoon tense in my hold. I ran my fingers through his hair to help ease the tension.

"Of course Jinnie good to see you why are there dogs inside?" My mother hissed. I noticed Namjoon flinch and Taehyung looked utterly offended. Jungkook stood with Taehyung in his arms and dismissed themselves.

"Mom, these are our mates."

A look of shock washed over my parents. I laughed at their astonished faces.

"Oh dear I'm so sorry. I had no idea." My mother quickly apologized and came around quickly and sat beside me. My father smiled and sat across from us.

"He is a cute little thing." My mother spoke. She ran her fingers through his hair. Namjoon flinched but held still to let my mom pet him.

"Dearie are you ok?" She asked him.

"Y-Yes. I-I'm ok." He stuttered.

"What are you looking at?" My mother asked trying to follow his gaze.

"Ummm I-I-"

"He's fine mom."

"Why are his eyes like that?"

"He's fi-"

"I'm blind." Namjoon interjected. Another wave of shock overcame my mother. She was struggling to form a sentence until my father spoke for the first time.

"That's interesting." My father spoke.

"Interesting?" I asked. I didn't know weather to feel upset or curious.


"Well it is. It is often rare that wolves are blind." My father shrugged. I rolled my eyes.

"Tell me omega were you born blind or was it something else?"

"S-something else s-sir."

"Hmm he seems well mannered. Well done son." My father nodded. He stood up and excused himself, probably to rob my liquor supply.

"So how did you become blind?" She pressed. Namjoon lowered his head.

"I-I don't like to talk about it." He spoke softly.

"And you don't have to." I kissed his forehead.

"So what is your name?" She asked.

"Kim Namjoon." He answered, tilted his head up.

"What pack are you from?"

"I'm from the-"

"Mother let me talk to you in the other room." I stated. I stood and gently sat Namjoon down on the couch. I held my mothers forearm and led her out of the living room.

"Mother don't pester him." I sighed leaning against the door frame of the hallway.

"Don't you scold me! I'm curious to see who my baby has selected as a mate."

"I'm not a baby mom." I rolled my eyes.

"You'll always be my baby." I smiled as she held my face in her hands.

"But what happened to that one girl? She was nice and she was also of noble standing."

"Not this again mother." I pulled her hands away from my face and stepped away from her.

"I'm just saying I don't see why you chose this boy over her." She shrugged.

"I didn't choose, he is my destined one." I smiled as I thought about Namjoon.

Sure I just met him and I can't say I love him yet, but he already has a strong personality. He's a fighter but he's also so cute and squishy. He was everything I'm not; and I can't wait to get to know him.

But I don't need my mother pestering us.

"Mother I just met him today and he's been through a lot. I'd like him to become comfortable before he is swamped with questions." I sighed running a hand through my hair.

"Okay Jinnie. I understand. I will support you no matter what." My mother smiled at me. I smiled too and bright her into my embrace.

"Well I came here along with a few guests, why don't we all sit down for dinner?"

"Dinner sounds great."

But it won't be. . .


Sorry it took so long to update but. . .


A heads up- dinner is going to be a catastrophe 😁

I can't wait to write and publish it!


Love Knows No Bounds [Namjin]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें