Chapter 30

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Namjoon's POV~

The mountain air was cold enough to have a sharp crisp with each intake. The evergreens stood taller than giants. The spongy earth cushioned each step I took. I had slowed to a calm walk compared to how I started. 

Birds were chirping overhead. I could hear the occasional pitter-patter of a small game run through the firns and other brush. The sound of water rushing over stones drew me in. 

The water ran clear. It frothed as it slipped past the rocks but it was beautiful. Moss grew on the rocks underneath. Small fish swam against the current. I didn't have to step into the water to know that it would be freezing. 

I flopped beside the rushing water. The singing of birds and the calm rush of water beside me lulled me to sleep. 

It wasn't a deep sleep. More of a peaceful state where I could let my mind calm. I was able to cost on this tranquil feeling until a new feeling overcame it all. It was a daunting feeling. One I was all too familiar with. 

I wasn't alone. 

Without trying to raise any alarm to this new presence I remained still. The presence wasn't getting closer but it wasn't leaving either. It was just there. Maybe it wasn't a great idea to come out here by myself. Trying to act natural I move to stretch and yawn. 

Silence. The birds have grown ever so quiet. Other than the rushing water, there was nothing. Fear set my muscles into vices. I couldn't freeze now. Ever so calmly I started to walk back from the way I came. 

The presence moved now. Now it was following me. 

I bolted. The fear won. 

It didn't help that it had gotten quite dark. The welcoming forest turned into something scary. Every branch looked like a hand ready to grab you. 

"Namjoon-ah!" I heard. I didn't know my name could be so frightening. I ran faster. I didn't recognize who was calling me. 

"Wait!" The voice yelled again. It sounded, desperate? 

I kept running. I could hear my name being called in the distance, the direction I was running. I recognized this voice. It was Taehyung. I dashed from the tree line. I nearly swept him off his feet. 

"What the hell hyung? Where have you been?" Taehyung yelled at me. 

"We have been looking all over for you!" Jungkook started coming to Taehyung's side. I looked back at the direction I was running from. A girl ran out of the woods. She gasped for air. She was one of the hotel employees. 

"I-I told you I could find him." She heaved. I gave Taehyung a look. He rolled his eyes at me. 

"Can you blame me hyung? You disappeared!" Taehyung marched over to me and started to slap me. I folded my ears back, embarrassed. I didn't mean to cause anyone to worry about me. With that thought and a quick look around, I noticed something. Jin wasn't here. Where was he?

Without a second thought, I shifted. Jungkook and the woman diverted their gaze. Taehyung was indifferent. 

"Well, I'll be getting back to the hotel." She dismissed herself. Jungkook offered me his cloak while trying not to look at me. I wrapped the cloth around myself. 

"Where's Seokjin?" I asked looking around again. Jungkook rubbed the back of his head. 

"Well, he had to stay back to finish the meeting." Taehyung elbowed Jungkook. 

"Why?" Taehyung glared at him. 

"He wanted to come to look for you, you have to understand that Namjoon." 

"Right." I felt embarrassed again. I probably embarrassed him when I just took off. 

"Can we go back now?" I didn't want to contemplate any thoughts and I was tired of standing here. Without waiting for a response I headed back to the hotel. 

The walk back was silent and quick. I took long quick steps. It was dark by the time we got back. I made it to the elevator first and I didn't wait for the other two. The doors closed before those two made it into the lobby. 

The rest was a blur. My only focus was finding Jin. I was able to follow his scent to our bedroom. I was disheartened when I didn't immediately see him. I moved to the bathroom.


I went to the large wardrobe but he wasn't hidden there either. 

"I'm here pup." 

A breeze blew softly into the room. The long curtains floated effortlessly in the breeze. The balcony doors were open. Fidgeting with my fingers nervously I went outside. 

Jin had his back to me. A glass of wine, but probably not wine, noticeably in his hand. The other gripped the hand rale tightly. I wrapped my arms around his torso and snuggled into his back. I was expecting some kind of warmth but I might as well have hugged a cold rock wall. 

"Seokjin, hyung, I-I," I paused and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry for running off and disappearing." He remained tense. 

"I understand that you would need your space. But why did you disappear for hours on end?" He didn't have to yell. His words were tense enough. My next statement wouldn't help either. 

"The answer is in your question." I sighed. I felt him take a deep breath. It was almost like I could feel his patience seeping out of him. Surly he isn't just mad at me? He turned in my arms. 

I let myself get lost in his eyes. They were swirling with endless emotions. He had so much to say and I would wait for him. He brought his hand up and cupped my face. I closed my eyes when he rubbed his thumb along my cheek. His forehead rested against mine. 

"Please don't do that again, please." He pleaded. I nodded. I didn't trust my voice right now. We fell into a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence. 

My eyes fell open when I felt him pull away from me. Our gazing joining once again. 

"Namjoon, will you let me mark you?" 

I felt my cheeks heat up. I nodded my head my bottom lip got stuck between my teeth.

I was swept off my feet and carried back into the bedroom where I was tossed onto the bed. 

This wasn't what I expected to happen when I got back, but I cannot say I am going to complain. 


Hello everyone! I'm sorry the update is so late but here it is finally! Next chapter might be spicy, it might not be. I'll let you find out in the next chapter. 

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!



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