Chapter 8

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Taehyung's POV (Point of View)~

We were hunkered down under a large tree's roots. It almost seemed to make a little cave. Namjoon was huddled to the far side. He was shivering but he didn't make a peep. 

"W-We're f-fine. Thank you-u." I stuttered trying to reclaim my breath. I stared at the black haired male. He was small, smaller than me. He had glowing green eyes that were slit like most felines. Upon further inspection I could see little fangs resting on his plump bottom lip and his finger nails seemed to be filed to points, as if to make claws. 

"What are you two doing out here?" He whispered looking from me, to Namjoon, to the entrance of the cave. 

"We had to get a-away." I said collecting my breath. 

"That's your pack! Go back and tell them to go away!" He whispered shouted. 

"They are NOT our pack." Namjoon stated in an wary voice. I looked back at Namjoon but he started to shush us. 

"Do not shu-" I flung myself at the stranger and wrapped my hand around his mouth. At that moment a group of wolves walked past. Walked!

I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest. The stranger stilled in my grasp. I was probably clutching him too tight but he didn't make a sound. 

"Those damned omegas! Why they hell are we out here for them anyway?" One of the wolves growled. 

"Those whores are worth a fortune! Alpha said he would share some of the money with whoever finds them." His partner responded. 

We were all still. The tension hung thick in the air. Fear rolled off of me in waves. Now I was sort of glad to be covered in leaves, dirt, and other things I collected during our run in the woods. I suddenly felt cold, even if I was clutching another body to mine. 

I could feel him gripping onto me. His jagged nails dug into my forearms. He was scared too. I feared to look over at Namjoon, as if the simple motion would attract our hunters to our location. 

I wanted to whine and call out to my former pack for comfort but I knew that was impossible. 

I senses were turned up to an 11. The rocks on the burrow like floor dug deeply into my feet. My naked body shivered ever so slightly. I couldn't tell if it was out of fear or the chill of the night. I did feel a rush of heat in my cheeks as I held the stranger flush against my bare body. 

Upon further inspection, I realized he was similarly dressed.  

The wolves soon walked away. 

But we didn't move. 

We were wolf-icicles, frozen with fear. And whatever the stranger was. 

"I-I think they're g-gone." Namjoon shivered. 

"I see why you left." The stranger whispered pulling out of my grasp. 

"W-What's y-your n-name?" Namjoon whispered. I almost didn't hear him. And I was almost on top of him. 

"Yoongi. And that's all you need to know about that. What's your names?" 

"I'm Taehyung and this is Namjoon." I introduced ourselves in a whisper. 

"Where are you two headed?" He asked as he returned to his previous spot of staring out the entrance of the cave. 

"We... don't really know." I paused to rub the back of my head. "We didn't really have time to make a full proof plan." I chuckled lightly. It came out drier than I wanted it to. 

"I usually go solo, but you can come with me, until you figure out what you're going to do." He offered. I breathed out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 

"Thank you." I breathed out a sigh. I walked, more like duck walked, over to Namjoon and wrapped my arms around him. 

"We should head out." Yoongi said peaking his head out. 

"We should travel in human form, our scents won't be as strong." I nodded getting our bag and getting some clothes. 

"Do you want some?" I offered to Yoongi after I gave Namjoon some to get dressed. He didn't say anything but he took the clothes and put them on. We slowly and as silently as we could, climbed out of the hole under the tree. 

The walk through the woods was quite as dusk turned to dawn. 


Sorry that took so long -.-

We finally met Yoongi...

What do you y'all think so far?


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