Chapter 5

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Namjoon's POV~

I shifted in my seat for what must have been the thousandth time. Tae rested his hand on my thigh as a measure of comfort. Cars always made me nervous, I mean can you imagine never seeing this grand metal beast that makes loud noises and throws you around in its belly. 

I rather take my chances running through the woods in my natural form. At least then I can smell and hear my environment, instead of being caught in this big metal death box. 

"I want you two to stay with me or stay where I tell you to." Our alpha commanded. 

"Yes Alpha." We responded simultaneously. 

"Taehyung keep track of Namjoon. We don't need him wondering off again." The alpha growled. I could feel his hot glare on my skin, I didn't need to see to know he was upset at me. 

"Yes alpha." I heard Taehyung respond. 

I knew I was a problem for Taehyung no matter how many times he denies it. But I don't know where I would be without him. 

We were flushed into silence once again...minus the roar of the bloody engine. 

The rush of the fluids, the roar of the pistons, the crunching of the ground under the tires, I started to fidget again. 

"Thank you Alpha." I rushed out, needing to distract myself.  

"For what, omega?" I swallowed the lump in my throat. I could feel Tae tensed beside me. 

"For bring us a-along." I broke as I stuttered as the car squealed like a pig as we stopped moving. 

"Do exactly what I say!" Our Alpha growled at us. 

"Go easy on the omegas love." I heard our Luna say. Our Alpha huffed.

When we stepped out of the car I could hear loud voices and music.

I looped my arm with Taehyung and held him close. 

"It's ok hyung." I heard him whisper to me. 

"Follow me." 

Taehyung pulled me in a direction. We walked straight for a bit until we started to weave and walk in a weird pattern/direction. I imagine we were weaving between different huddles of people as I could hear their low chatter. 

"Stay here." We were ordered. 

When we came to a stop I could finally listen to get an idea of our surroundings. 

I could hear the ruckus of the different groups in front of us. There were werewolves, a few werecats, some scents I never smelled before but there was one scent that stood out above the rest. 

The cool mint smell made me shiver but excited at the same time. 

"Taetae, explain it to me." I said clutching his arm tighter, this time out of excitement. 

"Well we're standing on common grounds but there is a little bar set up near us. Oh! And there's a dance floor set up with a stage. Then on the far side of the field there are tables set up along with a very long food table and another stage. I think they will hold the blue moon ceremony in the middle based on the way the stage is set up. The woods are thick behind us and there is a steep hill in front of us." 

I soaked it all in matching sound to description. 

"What about it Joonie hyung? What do you got?" He whispered into my ear. 

"I smell a lot of werewolves. I think some werecats. I got a few felines. There's a few scents I don't recognize, but they are soft scents, almost like omegas but more flower like. Then there is something minty!" All of the scents hit me like a freight train.  

"Minty?" He asked but we were soon interrupted by our Alpha. 

"These are the two I was talking about." Our Alpha spoke to another. 

"They are pretty little things. What's wrong with that one?" The stranger said talking about us, I assume. 

"He's blind but he still has his uses." Alpha spoke to the other. I held onto Tae tighter. This stranger made me nervous and their conversation made me anxious. 

"I don't want a broken omega." The stranger said with distaste. I cast my gaze down, not that it matters. 

"Come talk with me." Our Alpha and the stranger alpha walked away from us. 

"W-what was that about?" Taehyung asked pulling me more into his side. 

"Shush, let me listen." I tuned in and tried to pick out their conversation above the rest. 

"He maybe blind but I assure you he is all omega. And he's a pure omega. Think of his 'problem' as a reason to assure he stays put." 

"A pure omega you say? What of the other?"  

"They are a pair. Two of a kind. Both our pure and untouched." 


"Do we have an accord?" 

"I will come collect them noon tomorrow." 

"Hyung?" Taehyung asked, shaking me. 


"What is it?" He asked more frantic this time. 


We must flee." 



And two updates in one day. I don't know how my updating schedual will be this weekend. But I will/should update for sure on Monday. 

What are your thoughts? Questions? Ideas?



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