Chapter 29

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After our shower, we dried off and went to lay in bed. I was flicking through the channels as Namjoon cuddled into me. His finger danced across my chest in misted-matched patterns.

"Do you really think you can stop it?" He asked.

"You can never really stop something like this. But I'll be damned if I don't try."

Happy with my response he laid his head on my chest as we watched a random show.

To continue-

Namjoon's POV~ 

I paced back and forth, running my hands through my freshly styled hair, messing it up in the process. I felt my heart hammering in my chest. The chill of fear held a tight grip on my spine. The strong urge to go and hide under the covers was strong. I rather do anything else compared to this. 

"Beloved? Are you ready?" Seokjin called as he walked into the room. I halted in my tracks. I pulled my hand away from my face. I was anxiously chewing my fingers. 

"Baby," he called softly as he walked over to me and pulled me into his arms, "if you don't want to do this you do not have to. But if you can give us anything. Anything at all can help. And we are all here for you." He spoke then kissed my cheek. 

"I do want to help. I'm just so nervous." I sighed. 

"I know." He chuckled. He held my hand as we exited our room. A million thoughts ran through my head when we entered the elevator. Taehyung and Jungkook were waiting for us downstairs. 

"Good morning hyungs." They greeted us. 

"Good morning to you too boys." 

Our duos grouped together as we walked to the large conference room. 

The doors were opened for us and the atmosphere was distinctly different than upon our first meeting. Things then seemed more light-hearted and airy. Everyone was relaxed and there was joy in the air like meeting old friends. 

But it was different now. 

Every King, Empress, Queen, Alpha, and Luna all wore traditional clothing. Everyone held some kind of professional poise. Everyone watched our every move as we made our way to our seats. I immediately felt underdressed. I wore a simple suit, I could've blended in with the wait staff. 

My stomach tied itself in knots. The subtle ringing in my ears blocked off everything else that was being spoken in the room. We couldn't have been seated for more than 15 minutes but it felt like an eternity had already passed. 

Large packets of paper were passed around. A waiter walked by with glasses and a bottle of wine. I was quick to grab a glass. 

And the bottle. 

I filled my glass halfway before finishing it. I noticed Jin side eying me but I couldn't help it. My nerves were about to drive me insane. My stomach churned again and my lungs drew tight. A cold hand gripped onto my thigh momentarily distracting me. 

It took me a moment to get the courage to look at him. I must be such an embarrassment. He only stared at me with fondness and worry. Like a soft wave on the beach, I felt my nerves calm. It was either the wine or his strong gaze that brought me peace. 

"Namjoon, my love, can you tell us any information?" He spoke softly. My jaw locked. I fought the urge to vigorously shake my head. The silence in the room was deafening. 

"What about locations? Who has a map?" I heard Taehyung's deep voice, it was a whisper but it was as if he spoke normally. 

There was some shuffling before a map was presented to me. Jin slid a pen to me. I took it with shaky hands. I studied the map. 

"Why can't the 'King' of the pack wolves fix this problem?" I heard my uncle growl. I did my best to tune them out. To solely focus on the map in front of me. It helped that the territories were marked and I was able to use some terrain features to make some kind of sense. Tae rose from his chair and was by my side. Offering both help and support. Both of which were needed.

I was able to pinpoint some locations. It wasn't much but it was a start. 

When I finally focused back on the room it was more tense than it was before. 

"Perhaps this would be a good opportunity for you guys to work together." Someone proposed. 

"There is no need to go to war over this." Someone else sassed. 

"H-Here." I stuttered, sliding the map over to Jin. He smiled softly at me but it didn't reach his eyes. The situation was going from bad to worse. 

"Why don't we all take a break," Seokjin stated. I abruptly stood, drawing a few stares. It fueled my desire to leave the room that much faster. 

Everyone else slowly stood and started to file out of the room, I was ready to run. My wolf was whining and anxiously danced around the back of my mind. 

"I need to go." I kissed Jin's cheek and bolted. I left the room as fast as I could. I ran to the exit and I nearly shifted before I made it all of the way out of the door. Without much thought, I took off. 

I felt the fear and panic fade with each step. 

I felt free. 

I wanted to hold onto this feeling, so I kept running. I ran and ran. 

If only the feeling of freedom wasn't such a fleeting feeling. 

(+.+) - Author's Note >

Hello, my lovely readers! I am so so sorry for not updating in so long (literally years [2] for this book).

But I am back! I've been struggling to update this book because it is in desperate need of editing. I honestly would like to rewrite this story, to make it better. I have been working on a lot of side projects as of late and I have really been working on my writing style and writing itself to become better. 

I am so sorry for the long wait but I am going to try and finish this book so I can move on to another. Maybe one day I will rewrite this story and give it the justice this story deserves. In the meantime, I am going to try and give you guys a better ride to the finish line. 

This was my first story on this account and I would like I have become a better writer. 

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy the last little bit of this story!

Side note: I am not ready for Joonie to go to service. 

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