Chapter 28

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Seokjin's POV~

King Mun and I returned to the cushioned chairs that made up the small living room.

"As stated in other meetings I have no quarrels with your kind. Being rogues we really don't have 'defined' territory. And our rules are rather simple."

"Yes. The worse report I've collected was mere trespassing, but they were just passing through." I shrugged off the minor offense.

"Do you have the documents with you now?" He asked me.

"Of course. The other species have already agreed to peace. The rogues and the pack wolves are the only ones remaining."

"The treaty with us would've been signed if I was present last time." He sighed. He ran a hand through his hair as if this whole process has been a strain.

"If you don't mind. Will you wait to sign it in front of the others?" I asked, watching him closely.

"But of course. Now for the real matter of business,"he paused and leaned forward, "what is your plan to stop the Omega Trade?" He asked softly.

Namjoon and Taehyung had left moments ago, I believe they've found the pool in the balcony.

"I would like to track them down and put an official end to it. I was thinking we could use Namjoon as a witness-"


I turned to see my mate wrapped in a towel. He was soaked, water dripping from his hair and running down his body. It would've been a delicious sight if it wasn't given the situation.

"I don't want to talk about what happened. Especially in front of those people." A slight shiver ran through him. If it was because he was wet or nervous maybe both.

"Namjoon." His uncle spoke from behind me. His voice strong and demanding. Namjoon looked down, I could almost see his wolffish ears flatten.

"You wouldn't have to go into details. Just the basics and where we could find them." Mun spoke in a much softer tone.

But Namjoon didn't speak but turned and walked away.

"If you would excuse us." I bowed to the other King.

"Of course, I should be going myself." He mirrored the gesture. I watched as he made his way out of our suite. Once he was gone I made my way to Namjoon and I's room.

I heard the shower running, figuring that's where he might be. I opened the door and was immediately engulfed in steam. I closed the door behind me. Clothes falling from my body as I went deeper into the bathroom.

I opened the shower door and walked in. Namjoon had his back to me but I knew he knew I was there.

I stood under the hot water to warm my cool skin. Once an appropriate external temperature I wrapped my arms around him. Pulling him under the water with me.

He turned so he was facing me. His blue eyes stared deeply into mine. There was so much emotion running through them that it left me lost.

I leaned down and I lips met.

The kiss said what I couldn't. I was there for him and I always would be. I tried to show all of my love for him in this one kiss.

His fingers grabbed at my soaked hair. His knees buckled. I caught him by the thighs, wrapping them around my waste. I kisses grew deeper. I walked forward until his back was flush with the cool tile. He arched into me from the cold feeling.

I pulled away from him.

"Please Namjoon. You don't have to say anything other than you were involved. Please. Let me help them." I pleaded softly. He looked away from me but nodded none the less.

I placed him back on the ground. I turned him again to start washing him.

After our shower we dried off and went to lay in bed. I was flicking through the channels as Namjoon cuddled into me. His finger danced across my chest in misted matched patterns.

"Do you really think you can stop it?" He asked.

"You can never really stop something like this. But I'll be damned if I don't try."

Happy with me response he laid his head on my chest as we watched a random show.


I'm so sorry that it's taken me sooooooooo long to update. And that it's so short. But I hope y'all liked it!!

If you like this book make sure to check out my others!!


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