Chapter 20

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Taehyung's POV~

I heaved my mornings breakfast in the toilet. Namjoon rubbed my hunched back. Jungkook was MIA so that left Namjoon to comfort me. Dumb blood suckers don't have to eat normal food. I continued to curse Jungkook in my head. 

I spat in the toilet, then rose to my feet. 

"This sucks Joonie." I whined as he pulled me over to the sink to rinse my mouth. 

"There's going to be a lot of suck in the coming months." He smiled down at me. 

"Wait! You don't think that-" 

"Yes I do. You two fuck like rabbits. I'm surprised you haven't gotten pregnant sooner." He shrugged and I glared at him. 

"Don't look at me like that! I mean did you even try to use protection?" He raised his eyebrow. 

"I don't need your judgment Joon." We rolled our eyes at the other. We walked out of the bathroom and started down the long, cool, hallways. Every sense Namjoon has gotten his sight back he just wonders the hallways or goes for really long walks outside. 

I glance at my lifetime best friend. His eyes wouldn't stay on something to long, always moving to look at something new. I jumped when he suddenly looked at me. 

"How are you going to tell Jungkook?!" He asked. His smile so big his dimples made an appearance. 

 "Umm I don't really know. I don't even know if he wants to have kids. Y'know hes the player type, they never really want kids." I sighed. Saying it out loud actually made me nervous. What if he didn't want to have pups with me? What if-

"Taehyung! Don't think like that." 

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" I accused. 

"I know you. He's going to be so happy! And you used to be like that Taetae. You should see the way he looks at you! Besides he's like hundreds of years old, you can't really blame him for his past." 

"Why do you have to sound like a wise fortune cookie?!" I whined. But he was right and it felt good to be reassured. 

The rest of our walk was followed by silence. We made it to the stairs, after our decent Namjoon spoke up again. 

"So something cute or sexy?" 


"For telling him!" 

"I don't know. I don't want anything big because I have no idea how he's going to react." He nodded. Once we were at the bottom of the stairs we were met with Seokjin, Jungkook, and a girl. 

Jungkook had his arm around the mystery girl. I felt a spike of jealousy. 

"Aw there you two are!" Seokjin smiled at us. Namjoon left me and went to his embrace. Jungkook smiled at me and opened his other arm, but I staid put. He frowned but I ignored him. 

"Selina, this is my mate Namjoon and that is Taehyung, Jungkook's mate." Seokjin introduced us. 

"I never knew you two were into mutts." She chuckled and patted Jungkooks chest. He laughed along with her. 

"If I wanted to be insulted I would've asked for it." I sassed back. 

"Oh, He's sassy. Now I see why you have an interest in him." She laughed. And for some reason I really wanted to hurt her. 

"I'm sorry who are you?" Namjoon asked from Seokjin's side. 

"She's an old friend." Jungkook answered. 

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