It's "the nerve" fa me....

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The next morning, Brianna's mom got up at 8 am. She made breakfast for Brianna and Terrance. "Mmmmm, it smells good in here. Good morning momma." Brianna said while she kissed her mom on the cheek. "Good morning fiancé" Brianna's mom replied. Terrance walked out of the bedroom. "Mmmmm I see where you get it from babe. Good morning momma!" Terrance said to Brianna's mom. "I can get used to that!" Terrance said while kissing Brianna's momma on the cheek. "How'd you sleep ?" Terrance asked. "I slept well son in law, wow it feels surreal. I just met you and now you're my son-in-law." Brianna's mom said while sitting at the table. They all are sitting there eating breakfast. "Mom, what are your plans for today? Terrance and I have to work so he'll leave his car and I'll drop him off at work. We'll just take one car mom." Brianna said.  Terrance laughed. "I might just take a ride and go shopping." Brianna's mom said. "Yeah mom, enjoy your day there's so much to do in Atlanta." Brianna said while eating her last bite. "whew good mom! I'm about to get ready for work babe, finish up so we can be on time." Brianna said while looking at her ring. "I'm about to be somebody's wife!" Brianna said with excitement while walking to her bedroom.
Terrance got up after eating and followed Brianna to the room. Brianna's mom gets up and starts to clean the kitchen. Meanwhile in Brianna's bedroom. Brianna walks through her closet looking to see which color scrub pants she'll wear today. "Babe, you think I should wear my light blue scrubs are my dark blue scrubs?" Brianna asked while holding up both scrubs. Terrance looked at Brianna with a smile and said: "The blue one." Brianna smacks her lips and rolls her eyes smiling while taking the light blue scrubs to her bed. "You're so funny." Terrance follows Brianna and grabs her waist and kissed her on the neck. "mmm you smell so good, I love you so much. Fine ass." Terrance said while rubbing and squeezing Brianna's ass. "quicky?" Brianna asked while turning her head to kiss Terrance's lips. "Say less..." Terrance said. He picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. He sat her on the counter and started to pull off Brianna's shorts. Brianna put both legs on the countertop spreading them. Terrance took off his shirt and started to eat Brianna's pussy. Brianna's eyes closed and she bit her lip at the satisfaction she was getting. Terrance started to slurp and spit on her pussy "Fuck!" Terrance said. "shit good as fuck mmmm" he continued to eat her pussy for a few more seconds. He then stood up and Brianna saw how rock hard his dick was. "Mmmm all that for me," Brianna said. Terrance put his dick in her pussy and started fucking her so passionately. Brianna was loving it she started to whine her hips while he was fucking her. "ohhh daddy, fuck me ah oh uh" Brianna moaned softly which was so hard for her because it felt so good. "I'm coming in this pussy!" Terrance said while still fucking Brianna. "Ohhhhh yes daddy, give me a baby daddy pleaseeeee oh oh ah" Brianna continued to moan while grabbing Terrance's ass holding him in her pussy "AHHHHHH ohhhhhh ughhhhhhhhh" Terrance moaned as he came in Brianna's pussy. "whew! Girl that pussy good." Terrance said while looking at Brianna on the counter with her legs still open. "This my pussy and ain't nobody finna touch it," Terrance said while playfully putting his hands around Brianna's neck. Brianna laughed. Getting up from the counter Brianna gets into the shower. Terrance hops in there with her and they both showered.

Meanwhile, in the guest room, Brianna's mom is getting dressed. She is in her head thinking about what she's going to ask Ashton when she sees him. *Knock knock* Brianna knocks before opening the door. "Mom we are leaving, Terrance's keys are on the rack by the door. He's parked in the garage, soon as you get off the elevator to the garage you see his car mom. It's a Red G wagon mom." Brianna said. "Them big box trucks?" Brianna's mom asked "Yes lady." Brianna said laughing. "bye mom and drive safe, people drive carelessly here. Love you." Brianna said while closing the door. "Love you too baby," Brianna's mom said. Listening for the front door to close. Brianna's mom went into the living room over to Brianna's desk where her laptop was. She opened it and went to Facebook to message Ashton to tell him she was on her way. Ashton was excited. He was really happy Brianna finally wants to talk to him. Brianna's mom went into the garage hopped in the car and GPS her way to the Starbucks next to the airport. It was going to take her 25 minutes and it was 9:28 am "oh good. Perfect." Brianna's mom said while pulling off.

25 minutes later Brianna's mom arrived at the Starbucks. She parked the car in a parking space that sits in the back just so she's not in the front. She puts her sunglasses on and gets out of the car. As she's walking up to the Starbucks she sees Ashton sitting at a table waiting for her. "shit." She said under her breath. She was hoping to make it there before him. She walks into Starbucks. "Welcome to Starbucks can I get you anything, ma'am?" A barista asked. Brianna's mom waved her hand and pointed at a man sitting down which happened to be Ashton. She walked over to the table where Ashton was sitting. Ashton looked up confused but soon realized it was Brianna's mom. "Theresa? I mean Mrs. Taylor?" Ashton said looking confused. Theresa sat down. "Hello, Ashton." She said while taking her glasses off. "It was me that contacted you, not Brianna. I want to talk about what happened Ashton. I know you, and not the other guy that she's currently happy with. What happened to you and Brianna. Where did all her hate for you come from? She gets annoyed when you're brought up...what's the problem son?" Brianna's mom asked. Ashton puts his elbows on the table while his hands cover his face. An oh shit moment. A moment he was not prepared for. He found himself getting upset. However, he knew he had to just tell her cause she will continue to ask. Possibly his only way to reach out to Brianna and get a response. He sighs. "Mrs. Taylor I thought it was Brianna that was coming to see me but she has every right to hate me. So much has happened that I know I can't change. I don't know where we went wrong or better yet where I went wrong with making Brianna happy I-" "You can start with the girl who lost your baby while you were with my daughter." Theresa said interrupting Ashton. Ashton starts shaking his leg out of nervousness because he didn't know what Brianna told her mom. "Right, and I was a better man after that. We talked about it and moved on from it." Ashton said clenching his teeth. "Look if you want to know the deal. Here's the deal. I cheated on Brianna with a girl named Natalie. Brianna found out because Natalie was at a store talking to me sexually and Brianna overheard and knew it was me by the tattoos Natalie was mentioning over the phone. I've been with Brianna for 6 years and of course, she knows my body so she put it together. She then went home and destroy everything I owned. She then moved out and wasn't answering my calls, text, or emails. She fought the girl at Tiffany's baby shower." "Tiffany has a baby?!" Theresa said shocked. "Yes and on top of that she was saying it was mine." Ashton said under his breath but Theresa heard him but didn't flinch to let him know she heard him. "I went into a depressive state cause everything was just going bad, I mean that's the love of my life, and I-" "Was." Theresa interrupted. "Continue." Ashton looked at Theresa and she sat there with her arms folded and her eyes squinted. "I don't know Mrs. Taylor." Ashton said with tears in his eyes. "I didn't mean for none of this to happen. I was so stupid I made very dumb decisions. I can't beat myself up anymore. I guess I have to face the reality. I need closure so bad it's driving me crazy making me want to do crazy things to myself and other people." Theresa's eyes grew big and then squinted again asking Ashton "Things like what? What are you saying? Do you want to harm my daughter Ashton? Cause I can assure you that's never going to happen. YOU fucked up not Brianna. I've watched my daughter be more sad and mad throughout y'all's relationship even though she thought she was hiding it from me by pretending to be happy. I'm her mother you think I wouldn't know or wouldn't find out? Now you're fucking with my intelligence. Do you think you can sweet talk me? Do you think you can sweet talk me? I trusted you with continuing Brianna's happiness when you first started dating her and you told me she's in good hands like Allstate. Do you remember that corny ass remark? She was in bad hands like local insurance or should I say local dick. All these years I wanted a damn grandbaby and YOU NEVER flinched when Brianna would talk about it. You weren't ready, you wanted to move further in your career and now look. You're further in your career and STILL no grandchild! But you can get other women pregnant but the one that loves you?!" Theresa said while hitting her fist on the table out of anger. Getting the attention of the Baristas. Ashton looked at the baristas and held his hand up as if everything was fine. The Baristas continued working. "I don't give a fuck about those people. I'm talking to you. Let me let you know something. Leave my damn daughter alone. I can't wait to tell my son and husband about the bullshit I just heard." She put a lot of emphasis on heard because Ashton tries to whisper his secret about Tiffany. "You have a good day and if you think you're going to contact Brianna think again. I'm going to block your nasty ass from her Facebook. I can't believe I wasted my damn time." Theresa stood up, put her glasses on, and storm out. Almost bumping into a customer in the line. Ashton sighs "Like mother, like daughter." He said with a chuckle.

Passion, Pain, and Lies. (Incomplete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora