Theresa, Theresa, Theresa.....

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As she gets into the car, she pulls out her phone and calls her husband. "Hello." Brianna's Dad answered. "Malcolm, let me tell you about Ashton's nasty ass I-" "No, no, no, Theresa I don't want to hear that shit. I thought you were going down there to spend time with your damn daughter and you calling me with bullshit at 11 in the damn morning. God damn Theresa you act just like them damn younger folk Nah. You-" "aww go to hell Malcolm!" Theresa said while hanging up the phone in his face and drives off. "I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Lil motherfucker thought he was just going to say some shit like that. I heard himmmm I heardddd himmm!!!!" Theresa said screaming out of anger and disappointment. "She said it was yours?! She said it was yours!? Let's see." Theresa continued to vent. Pulling up back into the garage, Theresa parked Terrence's car in the same spot it was parked in before. Theresa was power walking towards the elevators. She felt as if she couldn't get to Brianna's laptop fast enough. She opens the door to Brianna's condo and dropped her purse and coat on the floor. She goes over to Brianna's laptop and opens it. She clicks on Brianna's Facebook and searches for Tiffany Gordon in the search bar. Her mouth drops. She clicks on Tiffany's profile and sees a baby. She clicks on the photos of the baby and tears start to roll down her face. As she's clicking through the photos she comes across photos of Brianna, Tiffany, and the baby. This hurts her heart. She sees Brianna looking so happy and proud of her friend. She sees Brianna so in love with this baby and happy to be around this moment with Tiffany. "This psycho bitch.." Theresa said. Theresa continues to stalk Tiffany's Instagram. She sees Rodney and shakes her head. She sees a post that reads "Thank you so much for being a great Daddy to our Bryson Ash." Theresa's eyes grew bigger and her eyebrows folded. "As in Ashton? Wow. How can Brianna be soooo blind?" Theresa started to panic. Being the mother that she is, she knew she had to get to the bottom of it. She opened up Facebook messenger and begin to message Tiffany. "Hey girl what's up." She types. "I want to take you and Bryson Ash to dinner. Meet me at 6 pm at Houston's." Theresa typed and sent it. Tiffany was online so she was replying. "You couldn't tell me this over the phone we just hung up lol." Tiffany responded. Theresa had to think fast. "My phone dropped in the toilet so I'm using my backup and telling everyone through Facebook. I'll see you there no need to reply. See you soon." Theresa sent. Tiffany replied. "See you soon girl." Theresa sighed. As a sign of release. She started to pace back and forth in the living room thinking about all the shit she just found out and how she was going to go about it. "What the fuck, what the fuck,." Theresa said while she placed her hands on her head. "This a couple of days in, damn. What am I going to tell her? Them? Oh god and ruin her engagement. I can't. Think Theresa!" She said while still pacing back and forth. Theresa's phones ring. It's Brianna. "Hey, baby..." Theresa answered. "Hey momma, what you doing?" Theresa went to the guest bedroom and turned the tv on. "Nothing baby, just watching some TV." "Oh, okay mom, well I'm working late I have to train another nurse so I won't be home until 10 pm. You can help yourself to anything, Terrence will be home at 8 pm so if you want him to get you, something mom, let me know and I'll tell him." "No baby, that's alright I grab a bite somewhere I like Terrence's box truck." Theresa said laughing. Brianna laughed. "Alright ma, love you bye." "Love you too baby. Bye." Theresa laid back on the bed and did a deep sigh. She had to think about how she was going to go about this meet-up with Tiffany. Is she going to confront her, or just act as if she's planning something for Brianna. "I've got it!" Theresa said with excitement, "engagement party in New Orleans. Road trip!" Theresa had a plan. She was going to throw a surprise road trip to New Orleans and have an engagement party for her daughter. Theresa was always spontaneous when it comes to traveling. So while she had time she booked a hotel in downtown New Orleans for 2 nights on Friday and Saturday. Then she made reservations for dinner for both nights at Chophouse. "Whew, I can spend money." She said while shaking her head. She looked at the time to see that it was 1:15 pm.  "I have time for a quick nap." She set her alarm on her phone and went to sleep.

Meanwhile at Tiffany's place
"Baby, you want me to pack a bag for Bryson my mom wants me to bring him tonight," Rodney asked. "No, baby Bri taking us to Houston's tonight at 6. Oh and you know he loves to be under me." Tiffany said. "Straight momma's boy but Ight babe. Well, I'm going to bring my moms to the Dr. love you baby." Rodney kissed Tiffany's forehead. "Love you too." Tiffany kissed his lips. Tiffany was just sitting there staring at Bryson. Admiring how adorable this innocent baby was. She felt as if she didn't want to put him through this as a baby. Everything was her fault. She thought about how she shouldn't have slept with Ashton. She feels overwhelmed with information and just holding it in. Tiffany walked over to the baby and stared at him sleeping. She went to the restroom and started to run water in the tub and placed the baby's tub inside. She went back to Bryson and started to undress the baby. She carried the baby to the bathroom and placed the baby in the tub. She wanted to drown Bryson but began bathing him. 15 minutes later Bryson is all clean, smiling and cooing at his mommy. "I'll make it right, I promise," Tiffany said as a tear fell down her cheek. She looked at the clock to see it was 3:30 pm
Tiffany went to the kitchen to make Bryson a bottle and sat on the couch to feed Bryson and watch TV until it was time to meet with Theresa but to Tiffany's Knowledge Brianna.

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