Mommy's Home 😊

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A few weeks later

"Babe did your mom tell you what time she's landing?!" Terrence yelled from the living room. "Yea babe, I'm leaving to pick her up now," Brianna said pacing back and forth making sure her condo was in tip-top shape for her mother. Terrence gets up and stops Brianna from walking to the door. He grabs her shoulders ever so gently and looks her in her beautiful hazel eyes. "Listen, baby, we'll be fine. Your mom is going to love me. I'm not afraid of her questions. I know how parents could be, but you're the woman I want to be with and no one can run me away from you." Terrence said as he kiss Brianna on her lips. Brianna smiled and said "Thank you, baby, now I'm already late lol and she already calling. We will see when we get back if she doesn't have me stopping everywhere." As she walks out the door and closed it. Terrence shook his head smiling and went sat back on the couch.
Meanwhile in traffic, Brianna's phone rings. It's a call from a private number. "Not today stupid ass," Brianna says as she ignores the call. Brianna is going 80 mph on the highway trying to reach her mom. Brianna's phone rings, it's a call from her mom. "Hello, mom! Yea I know, I know, I'm On my way I'm coming up the ramp now! Are you outside?" Brianna asked. "Yes baby, I'm waving at you. You see me?" Brianna's mom replied. "Oh! Yes mom I'm coming." Brianna said smiling from ear to ear. Brianna was excited to see her mom, cause she knew her mom was coming to spoil her. No chores, cooking, or spending money was a requirement for Brianna now that her mom was in town. Brianna pulls up to her mom and hops out of the car to help her with her bags. "Hey, mom! I'm happy to see you!" Brianna said while extending her arms to hug her momma. "Hey, my babbbbbbyyyy!" Brianna's mom replied hugging and swinging Brianna back and forth. "I'm so hungry, all I did was sleep on that flight. Did you cook?" Brianna's mom asked. "No mom, but Terrence and I were going to take you out since it's your first night here," Brianna said. "Terrence huh? Is he cute?" Brianna's mom said laughing. "Maaaa!" Brianna said sarcastically looking at her mom smiling. "Don't be too hard on him ma, I love him. I think he's the one." Brianna said. Brianna's mom looks at her and says "I'll know for sure in person." Brianna rolls her eyes laughing. Brianna pulls up to her condo. "Mmmm." Brianna's mom says. "Fancy." While looking at Brianna's condo.  "I get it from the best," Brianna replied smirking. Terrence went to the store while Brianna went to pick up her mom and brought two dozen roses for Brianna and her mom. He set them on the kitchen table so they'll be able to see them when they walk in. Brianna put the keys in her door. "Welcome to my humble abode mom!" Opening the door seeing the beautiful flowers caught Brianna and her mom off guard. "OMG he did not!" Brianna said smiling. "I just love him momma he's so sweet, awwww ma look you have some too." Brianna's mom was shocked and walked over to grab and smelled her roses. "Awww baby, he's a keeper." Brianna's mom said while still smelling her roses. "Your dad might get jealous Nah, tell him to chill out!" Brianna's mom said laughing. Brianna laughed too. " Mom we have reservations at Benihana's for 8 pm I have to go meet Terrence for happy hour with a few of his coworkers we'll be back to pick you up to eat ok? My home is yours mom but don't be nosey! " Brianna said laughing as she closes the door. "Okay baby yea whatever, bye!" Brianna's mom said laughing until Brianna closed the door. Brianna's mom was very nosey, but she had a feeling something was off with her daughter and lifestyle all of a sudden. She was going to get to the bottom of it, she has a week perhaps two to do so.

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