Friend or Foe?

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"Why?" Rodney asked? Terrence didn't know what to say to Rodney although he knew they had issues and when they did have issues, Rodney will fly Shantel out to ATL and have fun with her.  "Tiffany is dead bro," Terrence said. Rodney didn't flinch. "Bro you heard me? Tiffany is dead." Terrence repeated. "Dammmnnn that's cold," Rodney replied. Terrence looked confused. "What the fuck?" Terrence said looking at Rodney's smirk. "Good! That bitch didn't tell me that baby wasn't mine and has HIV!" Terrence pulled over on the interstate, hitting his brakes hard and jerking them both back. "What the fuck you mean the baby has HIV? How the fuck do you know?" Terrence said irritated. "Bro, I overheard that bitch talking to some nigga name Ashton and saying we just got tested so we don't have it. Saying that nigga have it and that's how the baby got it." Rodney replied. "Wait, bro..." Terrence said while sighing. "You mean to tell me the Ashton that broke my fiancé's heart has HIV, and I've been fucking my fiancé raw?!" Terrence said with a loud bass in his voice. "Nigga, you never got tested?" Rodney replied. "Nigga yeah but antibodies for HIV take as long as 7 months to show up in your blood. We got tested three months in. Nigga. Fuck! Between Brianna killing Tiffany and a fucking baby having HIV and Brianna NOT knowing none of this shit. I'm scared to go back to the hotel bruh. I can't lie to my baby man. She has to know..." Terrence said grabbing the steering wheel and placing his head on it. "What y'all going to do about the baby?" Rodney asked. Terrence looked at Rodney confused. "Nigga that's your baby....shit well technically it's not but....ugh," Terrence said discombobulated. "Drive man," Rodney said. Terrence drove off.

Meanwhile at CVS Theresa is there trying to figure out how many pregnancies tests to get. She picks up 4 and walks to the register and stands in line. "I can take the next customer please." The cashier said. Theresa walked over to the register. "Find everything okay ma'am? Oh and congratulations!" The cashier said Theresa looked around and then looked at the cashier. "For what? This is for my daughter." Theresa said as she swiped her card. "Oh, well still congratulations grandma!" The cashier said jokingly. "I sure hope so," Theresa said as she took her bag and receipt walking towards the door.

Brianna wakes up from her nap and she sees Bryson still sleeping. She begins to cry thinking of the mother the child lost. She wipes her eyes and goes to the bathroom. Theresa opens the door. "Brianna, babe," Theresa called. "Mom, I'm in the bathroom," Brianna said. "Oh good," Theresa said. She gets two pregnancy tests out of the bag and hands them to Brianna through the door. "Pee on both of them, a matter of fact pee on all four. They all can't be wrong." Theresa said handing Brianna the rest of the test. "Geez, mom!" Brianna laughed. Brianna took the pregnancy test and laid them all on the tub. She peed on them one by one and laid them on a towel on the sink. She walked out of the bathroom and sees Theresa feeding Bryson. "You look good doing that," Brianna said smiling. "What did they say?" Theresa asked. "Have to wait 10 minutes," Brianna replied. Terrence and Rodney walked through the door. "Hey," Rodney spoke. "Hey, Rodney how are you?" Brianna asked. "Good, I heard about everything. I'm not mad. She was a snake Brianna, if anything you've saved me and this kid's life. Terrence has something to tell you." Rodney said while going over to Theresa and the baby. Brianna looked confused. Terrence walks over to Brianna and kisses her lips. Brianna kisses him back grabbing his face. "My mom brought me 4 tests, that are baking in the bathroom," Brianna said giggling. Terrence kisses her forehead. Brianna gets up and pulls Terrence to the bathroom. She walks to the sink, closes her eyes, and reaches her hands out. "Close your eyes," Brianna said. Terrence closes his eyes. Brianna opens her eyes and turns to face Terrence. She looks at the test and they all said pregnant. Her eyes grew bigger. She was super excited but wanted to celebrate with her fiancé. "Baby, open your eyes!" Terrence opened his eyes and read they all said pregnant. He grabbed Brianna and picked her up kissing her all over. "What the hell going on in there?" Theresa said getting up and walking to the bathroom. "We're pregnant mom!" Brianna said with her wet face holding the test. "Put those down first and come let me hug my first grandbaby!" Theresa said extending her arms to hug Brianna.

Passion, Pain, and Lies. (Incomplete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora