He's Here!...Oops

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2 hours later
"Come on push tiff push!" Brianna says holding Tiffany's hand. Tiffany leans her head chin to chest and push. The nurse starts counting. "..4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 alright good job let's take a deep breath and you do that again for me okay?" The nurse says. Tiffany looks at Brianna. "Brianna I can't do this!" "Yes you can come Tiffany push mama 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,! Oh my God, Tiffany!" Brianna says with tears in her eyes. "He's gorgeous!" Brianna said. Rodney stands there in disbelief but goes over to kiss Tiffany's forehead. "Here you are mommy, congratulations on your handsome boy." The nurse says while handing tiffany her newborn baby. "Omg, he's so precious," Tiffany says while a tear falls down her eye. "I can't believe this is our baby," Rodney says. "He's my handsome man," Rodney says smiling. The nurse comes in and asks Tiffany if she wants to breastfeed but Tiffany says no. The nurse then brings in a pre-made bottle of Enfamil and told Tiffany don't let the baby drink all of it. 30 minutes late the nurse came in and told Tiffany that she has to take the baby to do a couple of tests and she'll bring him right back. Tiffany took a nap and Rodney took a nap on the couch. 15 minutes later Rodney got up. "Tiff, babe, I have to go to work later so I'm going to head home, clean up after that party, and shower. I'll come back when I get off okay babe?" Rodney says while kissing Tiffany on her lips. "Mhmm" Tiffany replies still half asleep. The nurse walks in looking all serious and instantly Tiffany begins to panic. "Where's my baby?!" Tiffany says with a shaky voice. "Miss Gordon he's fine, he's fine. However, we did get the results from a couple of tests and one of them took us by surprise. Miss Gordon, I'm sorry to inform you but your baby is HIV positive." The nurse says looking sad. Tiffany's heart sank. "Excuse me?" Tiffany says. "Miss Gordon it might be hereditary we never know, we have your blood work and everything came back OK but the baby's did not, and I'm sorry." The nurse says. "I'll give you some time, I'll bring him back in here in a few Okay Miss Gordon?" The nurse says closing the door. Tiffany begins to cry, she doesn't know who gave her baby HIV but she was going to fight for her baby. She thought about a lot of negative and evil shit to do but realized she had a child that needs her more than ever. Tiffany didn't know what to do, who to call, or who to talk to. She knew shit was going to hit the fan when she tells bri and she wasn't ready, but she didn't care she felt like what more could hurt her than her 1st child having HIV. Tiffany pulls out her phone and texted Ashton. "We need to talk! ASAP NIGGA!!" Tiffany puts her phone down and sighs.

Passion, Pain, and Lies. (Incomplete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon