The Big Peachy

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Ashton is in his uber on the way to the airport thinking about what happened to Tiffany and if Brianna knows. Ashton emailed Brianna. "Hey, Bri, I know you are still mad at me, but I was in New Orleans and heard Tiffany was killed. Can we meet and talk sometime soon? - Ashton" Ashton sent the email. Ashton made it to the airport at 6:30 pm which gave him plenty of time to sit and think about the baby he and Tiffany had. He started to see himself in the baby and now that Tiffany is gone he feels obligated to just...tell the truth. He knows that there is still some animosity between him and Brianna and their whole situation, but as cold as his heart is, it was warm for Brianna. Ashton wanted to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help him, God.

Brianna and Terrence

"Babe, you have everything?" Terrence asked Brianna as he closed the trunk to their rental. "Yes, babe I do. Mom you good?" Brianna asked her mother. "Yes baby, please call me when you reach Atlanta baby. I love you Brianna and always know how strong and SMART of a person you are." Theresa said as she hugged and kissed her baby girl. "And you be good for your new mommy," Theresa said as she tickled Bryson's little feet. Terrence hopped in the car, and Theresa hopped in her Uber. They all drove away.

 "Hello?" Terrence answered his phone. "Ok. cool, we're on our way." Terrence responded. "Rodney got rid of the luggage, we have to go get him." Terrence put the location Rodney dropped in his GPS and headed towards him. "Babe, what were you going to tell me at the hotel?" Brianna asked. "We'll talk about it when we get home baby. You hungry?" Terrence replied. "Not really," Brianna replied and gazed out the window. 

Meanwhile at the Airport...

Rodney finally meets up with Shantel and introduces Brianna and Terrence to her. "Shantel, this is Terrence my best friend, and his beautiful wife to be and unborn child-" "I'm Brianna." Brianna interrupted Rodney and extended her hand. Shantel laughed. "He's always extra girl," Shantel said as she hugged Brianna instead. "Great to meet you all. I have good news so everyone can relax and we'll go over some things first thing tomorrow morning." Shantel said. Walking to his gate Ashton almost spit out his water when he saw Brianna, Terrence, Rodney, and Shantel. All laughing. "What the fuck? How the fuck does she know them? I'm going to text her." Ashton said. Ashton and Shantel dated off and on even with Brianna, Natalie, and Tiffany. Shantel was always there. Shantel knew Ashton's situation and they always fucked unprotected because Shantel took PREP and always kept up with her Dr. visits. Ashton Texted Shantel. "Hey, you're in Atlanta? Miss You." Ashton smiled. He knew Shantel was in love with him because she would always tell him to leave Brianna so he wouldn't hurt her. "Excuse me," Shantel said as she looks at her phone. Hey, you're in Atlanta? Miss you.  Shantel smiled. "Hey, Zaddy, Yeah for business but you know we can always chill, I'll text you tomorrow," Shantel replied. Ashton smiled. He proceeded to walk towards his gate, but there was a bar right across. He made a detour and headed for the bar to take 2 shots because of the day he just had...and realizing how small the world is. As always he reminds himself that everything is peachy in Georgia. 

Brianna, Terrence, and Baby Bryson head to their gate. Brianna kisses Terrence's lips. "I love you." Brianna said, " I love you too Mama." Terrence responded and kisses her back. The couples boarded the plane and had 1 hour to process their lives ahead and process everything that just happened. Brianna especially because she is now pregnant and she doesn't want to stress. She wishes all of this would just go away. 

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