Gender Reveal & Enfamil

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5 months later.
Tiffany is stressed because her gender reveals cake is 2 hours late. "Brianna omg I'm going to have an emotional breakdown," Tiffany says. Putting her arm around Tiffany to console her. "Awww Tiff I'm thinking this comes with pregnancy. The cake will be here stop worrying, the damn party didn't start yet and you need to get dressed." Brianna says sarcastically laughing. Terrence walks in with gifts. "Babe um, some lady outside with a cake and it looks like she needs help," Terrence says putting his gifts by all the other ones. "See Tiff! Cry baby ass. You go get dressed and I'll help the lady and let's get this party started!" Brianna says with excitement. Tiffany wipes her face and gets up to go get dressed. Meanwhile, Ashton and Natalie are in the car on their way from a movie. "Babe, have you talked to that bitch Brianna?" Natalie asked. Ashton looked at Natalie as if why did she bring her up. "No! Why?" Ashton asked. "Well, my girl Kim said some girl name Tiffany is having a gender reveal party and they posting pictures together on Facebook. Lawd Tiffany's belly is huge! Lol," Natalie says looking at her phone. Ashton points to his glove compartment. "Hand me that little bag right in there," Ashton says. Natalie opens up the glove compartment and hands Ashton this little baggy with some white substance in it. "Is this what I think it is?" Natalie says excitedly. Natalie takes the bag back from Ashton and rolls up a $100 bill and scoops a little and snorts some in both nostrils. She tilts her head back and looks at Ashton smiling. "This is some good shit," Natalie says sniffing. "Don't be greedy give me some!" Ashton says. Natalie takes the $100 bill and scoops more for Ashton. "More!" Ashton yells. "Babe this is pretty stro-." "More!! Bitch don't make me pull over this car!" Ashton says agitated. Natalie gives him bigger scoops in both nostrils. Ashton sniffs hard and tilts his head back. "Babe! The road!" Natalie says scared. Ashton looks straight and swerves the car avoiding another car. "Now where is this gender reveal party? Let's go pay them a little visit."

"The butterfly uh uh that's old let me see that tootsie roll!" Music is playing in the background everybody seems to be enjoying themselves and the gender reveal party. "Okay everybody after countless games and food I'm sure you guys are ready to find out what's in tiff's belly, Rodney would you come up here?" Rodney looked surprised but pulled Tiffany's hand too for her to follow. Rodney grabs the mic from Brianna. "Good evening everybody. Now I'm not the type to speak in front of crowds but I just want to thank the hostess with the mostest for throwing a wonderful party for my queen and I. Tiffany and I wasn't expecting this, it all came as a surprise and welp now we're expecting!" Rodney says laughing. Everyone else laughs too. Terrence and Brianna smiled at them cuddling at the table. "I always felt like a dad was important to a child. I also felt like a wife is important to a husband." Rodney gets down on one knee and pulls a lee Michael's box out of his back pocket. "Tiffany Camren Gordon, would you become Tiffany Camren Jackson?" Hold her hand over her mouth and cry. Tiffany turns her head surprised and says yes. But as she's looking at the front door she sees Ashton and Natalie walk in. Rodney puts the ring on her finger and gives her a kid and a tight hug. "Whoa daddy you want the baby to be born right here?" Tiffany says laughing kissing Rodney and signaling Bri to come inside from the patio. Brianna gets up looking confused walks into the house to see Ashton and Natalie standing there. Brianna drops her wine glass. Terrence is watching through the glass screen door so he gets up and signals Rodney to come on. Rodney looks and sees Ashton and the girl he was fucking at the club, he takes a shot of the patron and gets on the mic. "Okay everybody finish enjoying yourselves and we'll be right out to cut the reveal cake." Rodney signals the Dj to play music. Terrence walks in. "Yo Brianna, you alright?" Terrence asked looking at Ashton with fire in his eyes. Brianna walks over to Ashton and stares him in his eyes. "Nigga you have the nerve to show up here with this bitch!" Brianna says pointing at Natalie. Natalie pushes Brianna's hands out of her face. "Yo control yo bitch nigga." Terrence said. "Who you calling a bitch?" Natalie says folding her arms. Brianna looks at Tiffany and looks at Ashton, Terrence, and Rodney. "Brianna Bri baby please don't." Tiffany pleas. Brianna grabs Natalie by her hair and rams her head into the glass table breaking it. "Bitch you some bold! Huh bitch!" Brianna then slings Natalie to the ground and starts kicking her in the head." Terrence runs to Bri and picks her up. " Babe that's enough stop!" Ashton walks toward Brianna. "Yo my man, back up!" Terence says. "Brianna I'm fucking sorry okay! I'm sorry! I love you!" Ashton says. "What?" Natalie says holding her bloody nose. "Both of you need to leave before I call the police. Now!!" Tiffany yells! Ashton grabs Natalie and leaves. "What the fuck was that?!" Rodney asked looking confused. Brianna puts her hair in a ponytail. She grabs the broom and starts sweeping the glass. "Some finished business," Brianna says. Tiffany walks over to help Brianna as she bends down she feels some pee trickle down her leg. "Ummm all this drama made me piss on myself," Tiffany said laughing. Brianna looked down at the floor. "Whoa whooooa my stomach hurts.!" Tiffany says holding her belly. "Oh my god her water broke. Terrence go get Rodney! Quick!" Brianna says excitedly. Brianna grabs Tiffany and walks her to the car. Rodney comes running to the car and Terrence gets in the driver's seat. "Go to Sinai!" Tiffany says holding her belly in pain. They all left and went to the hospital.

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