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While Brianna was out her mom was ready to snoop around and find out what her daughter isn't telling her. She couldn't understand how Brianna can be over Ashton so quickly, and how she was so in love with someone whom she never really spoke about. She thought of drugs but knew it was impossible because Brianna's a nurse. She goes over to Brianna's MacBook on the dining table and begins to see if she can find anything. She opens Facebook and luckily Brianna is still signed in. She goes through her messages scrolling to see if she sees anything strange but finds nothing. Then she sees a message from Ashton. "Hmm" she mumbled and clicked on it. "Brianna please talk to me." She read. "This was 2 months ago." She said. "I need to find out what's the problem. I'm sure she's just upset and still loves him." What she was about to do next was very fucked up but she just felt off about something. She proceeded to type a message to Ashton. ' Meet me at the Starbucks near the airport. Let's talk.' She sent the message. Ashton was online so he responded. 'What time Bri? I miss you?' Brianna's mom smiles. "Awww he loves my baby, but why is she avoiding him?" She proceeds to reply. '10 am sharp' Brianna's mom saw that Ashton read the message, waited until he was offline, and deleted their recent conversation. She proceeded to shower and get ready for dinner tonight.

"Like controlllllaaaa controllllaaa"  Brianna phone rings. It's Terrence. "Hey Baby, I'm pulling up right now," Brianna said. "Okay baby, we're at the bar and there's a seat on my lap," Terrence said laughing. "Just kidding baby, see you soon." Brianna laughed while she parked her car. As she walked in the door Brianna briefly looked around and spotted Terrence signaling her to come to sit on his lap. Brianna walks over to the bar and introduces herself to Terrence's co-workers, Tyler and Carmen. "Yea and then I heard she sleeping with him and he gave my friend HIV like for real you just nasty. Oh, and he has a baby!" Carmen said a Lil tipsy while slapping Tyler on the shoulder. Terrence squeezed between the two to get his co-worker's attention. "You guys this is my lady, Brianna or beautiful as I would say," Terrence said smiling. Carmen rolled her eyes at Terrence's corniness and hugged Brianna. "I'm Carmen, we hear a lot about beautiful Brianna," Carmen said playfully in a mocking tone while pushing Terrence slightly on the shoulder. Tyler extended his hand. "I'm Tyler, nice to meet you." They shook hands. Brianna sat next to Terrence and ordered a Hennessy double. Terrence looked surprised. "Oh okay, that type of time huh?" Terrence said while taking a sip of his Jack on the rocks. "My mother is here, YES!" Brianna said while telling the bartender to make it a triple instead. "Thank you for the followers baby I loved them, and my mom as well babe that's so sweet," Brianna said while kissing Terrence on the lips. Terrence grabbed her face gently kissing her longer. "I love you," Terrence said. "Awwwwwww get a room you two," Carmen said tipsily. "So babe, I know we made reservations at Benihana's but can we go to Houston's Instead?" Terrence asked. Brianna made a sour face after she gulped her Hennessy. "Why? I've been moving a lot babe and don't feel like canceling and I want hibachi." Brianna said laughing and kissing Terrence Cheek. "How was your day babe?" Brianna asked Terrence. Taking a sip of his drink he replied. "It was okay, ya know same ole same ole." An hour passed by with the four of them laughing and talking. " You guys are a mess and I can feel this Hennessy," Brianna said almost falling. "Woah babe, I'm driving," Terrence said while grabbing her phone and keys. "Baby I'm not drunk. Just tipsy. I feeeellll goooooddddd." Terrence helped her to the passenger seat. "I bet." Terrence gets in the vehicle and drives to Brianna's Condo. "I'll call my mom and tell her to meet us downstairs." Brianna's mom was upstairs thinking of questions to ask Ashton when they meet tomorrow at Starbucks. *Phone Rings* Brianna's mom answered. "Hello?". "Hey Mom, can you meet us downstairs, we will be right in the front," Brianna told her mom. "Sure baby, on my way!" Brianna's mom replied. Brianna's mom locked up Brianna's crib and headed downstairs and got in the car. "Whew I can smell the alcohol!" Brianna's mom said in disgust sarcastically. "Mooooom it wasn't even a lot," Brianna said laughing. Terrence and Brianna's mom laughed.

Passion, Pain, and Lies. (Incomplete)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum