Guess who's coming to town?

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Meanwhile, Brianna is at home catching up on her shows since she's off tomorrow.
She gets a call from a private number. "What the fuck does he want?" She says to herself, Brianna was not in the mood for Ashton's bullshit so she just ignored the call and continued to watch her show. She picks up her phone and opens her Facebook messenger app. She scrolls to find that she missed a lot of messages from family and friends. She clicks on the one from her mother, the message reads, "Hey baby, how are things coming along? I was thinking about coming down there for Christmas, probably a week in advance, and staying for 2 weeks. I haven't seen you in a while and I know you're busy, but I miss you baby and your dad has been asking about you and I'm just left with telling him I just haven't talked to you. I've tried calling you girl! Answer your damn phone na Brianna! Love you baby! Bye! P.S If you read this message call me!" Brianna laughs. "My mother is so crazy, let me call this woman, I have been distant," Brianna says to herself. She realized that with all the shit she's gone through in the past few months she really didn't have time to focus on communicating with her loved ones. Although she's missing them she knows her mother will ask questions about Ashton. They've been together for 6 years and all of a sudden, he's gone. Her mom is a nosey woman so she knows she's going to be all up in her kool-aid and know every damn flavor. Brianna calls her mom. Brianna's mom was a sweet woman, but if she crossed the wrong way she would not back down from a fight.
"Hey, old woman!" Brianna said, "Who you calling old little red riding hood?", her mom replies. "Mom, that doesn't make sense!" Brianna said laughing, "It makes perfect sense cause yo ass doesn't know how to phone home.", her mom said. "Mom, that's E.T and that's a movie!", Brianna said dying of laughter. "Anyway mom, how are you?", she asked her mom. "I'm fine honey, the real question is how are you?" Brianna's mom asked. "I'm fine mom just, working and living the life you know, grown people stuff," Brianna replied sarcastically. "Okay you little sarcastic fuck, just like your damn daddy, how come I don't see you post pictures of my son-in-law no more? Y'all mad at each other again?" Her mom asked. "Why I knew you were going to ask me something about that man mom...He's living at the old house, and I'm in my condo. We broke up a while back." Brianna said. "A while back? Why am I just hearing about this?" Her mom asked, "Because mom, I have to go okay? Love you bye!" "Bria—" Brianna hangs up the phone. " I hate when she asks all them damn questions!" Brianna said getting up and going to the kitchen. Terrence walks through the door.  "Hey baby, how was your boy's night out?" Brianna said looking through the fridge. "Hey beautiful, it was cool. What you been up to?" Terrence asked. "Just been catching up with my shows, talked to my mom a few minutes ago and you know I haven't brought you up yet and she's asking me questions about Ashton and I finally told her we are no longer living together, I had to hang up the phone in her face cause I honestly hate when she asks me a lot of questions," Brianna said taking a sip of water. "Damn, I wish my mom was living so she can ask me a few questions," Terrence said walking to the room. "Babe, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be talking like that, but the lady is nosey." Brianna said walking towards the bedroom where Terrence was heading. He sits on the bed taking his shoes off and putting them in the closet. Brianna layed in bed and flicked through the channels. Terrence takes his pants off, folds them, and places them in the closet. He then goes to the bathroom and takes a shower.

20 minutes pass by and Brianna is dying laughing at the TV. Terrence walks out of the bathroom and says, "what the hell is so funny Brianna?" "Babe this show is hilarious, I don't know what the fuck I'm watching, but it's funny as fuck." Brianna said still laughing. "You coming out the bathroom looking like those men from the spice commercial smelling all good and shit," Brianna said. "Just for you baby," Terrence said as he gets in the bed to join Brianna. "So my mom is supposed to be coming down here for Christmas. I haven't told her about you yet, guess she'll just see you when she gets here. She asks a lot of questions, as a warning don't fall for the shit lol just walk away, I'm joking don't walk away from my momma, but I'm just warning you." Brianna said smiling. "That doesn't bother me, baby," Terrence said as he snuggled up under Brianna. "You must be drunk I can smell the alcohol all on your breath." She said. "Mhmm" Terrence replied. Brianna continue to watch TV until she fell asleep.

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