Fed Up!

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Two weeks passed by and Brianna finally comes to terms with just putting her ego and feelings to the side and meeting up with Ashton. They both agreed to meet at a local restaurant to hear each other out. Brianna walks into the restaurant and sees Ashton sitting in the patio area at a table. She walks over to the table, Ashton stands up as if he was going to get a hug, and Brianna has a seat. "Hello, Ashton." Feeling played, Ashton sits down and replies. "Wassup Bri. How have you been?" "I've been fine. Just working and living my best life, how about you?" Brianna asked. Ashton puts his hands on his face and looks at Brianna. "I miss you Bri." Brianna just stares at Ashton as if she's disgusted. "Bri I'm sorry. I never wanted you to get hurt by all of this. I'm such a selfish man. I never considered your feelings. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." Brianna rolls her eyes while still looking at Ashton. "I'm serious Bri." Brianna takes the wine that was on the table and chugs it down, looks at Ashton, and says. "Nigga, please. I wasted 6 years with you. You Never considered my feelings. You'll never have the opportunity to get my love ever again. I did a lot of shit for you whether it was financial, physical, sexual, or just anything Ashton fuck! Out of all motherfucking people you going to fuck a white Botox Barbie-looking bitch." Brianna says while cutting her eyes at Ashton. "You're still a dumb nigga. I don't even know why the fuck I agreed to come to listen to that wack-ass apology. Selfish dumb nigga. Ugh, your face annoys me. Then the bitch was so stupid she knew me. She sitting there all he he ha ha talking about she wants to kiss your tattoos and shit like that. Answer this Ashton and be honest. Did you ever bring this bitch into our home?" Ashton puts his head down. Brianna gets up and starts shaking her head. "Really?" Brianna says with a slight laugh. She picks up Ashton's drink and throws it in his face. "Fuck you, Ashton!" Brianna walks out of the restaurant and gets in her car. Ashton sits there wipes his face and raises his hand for the waiter to bring him the check for the two drinks and just leans back in the chair. "Fuck man," Ashton says under his breath looking at his wet clothes.

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