All Bad Things Eventually Turn Good.

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The next morning at Ashton and Natalie's hotel...

"Babe, what do you want to eat?" Natalie asked while turning on the tv and looking at the room service menu. "I don't know, maybe some grits and turkey bacon, with eggs...scrambled hard," Ashton responded. *Duun Duun Duun* "Breaking news! Police are looking for a suspect in the shooting of a tourist that was here vacationing with friends. Police have identified the victim as 30-year-old Tiffany Gordon. If you have any information about this incident you are urged to call the police." Ashton is shocked. He gets out of the bed and tries to call Tiffany but no answer. "What the fuck...." Ashton said in disbelief.

Back at Terrence and Brianna's Hotel
*Boom boom boom boom boom*
Brianna jumps up out of bed, and Terrence jumps also.
"Babe who is that?" Brianna asked nervously. "I don't know, I'm going check." Terrence gets out of the bed and looks through the peephole to see it's only Theresa and Baby Ash. He opens the door. "Oh my God! Brianna Tiffany is dead! I just heard on the news! Tiffany Gordon is dead baby are you ok? Oh my god, this poor baby." Theresa said walking towards Brianna and straight past, Terrence. "Yes mom I know, I killed her. Mom. She stabbed me. I was defending myself." Brianna said. "Do the restaurant have cameras?" Theresa asked. "Mom I don't know I'll just turn myself in," Brianna said while starting to cry. "Mom I can't believe I did that. But she told me everything she wanted me to know. That's Ashton's baby momma." Brianna said. Theresa pretended to look shocked. She played it off real good too. "FUCK!" Terrence yelled. "I have to go get Rodney, babe," Terrence said while rushing to put his clothes on. "I'll call you once I get him, do not answer the phone for no one but me. Don't talk about this with anyone but who you see now. I love you." Terrence said as he kissed Brianna's lips and walked out the door. "What are we going to do with the baby?" Theresa asked while looking at baby Ash. "I'll keep him," Brianna said as she reached for the baby. "His mother was a good person," Brianna said.
"Brianna baby are you sure? You don't have to, you can let it...I mean him go by her family, you don't know what kind of health conditions this child has." Theresa pled "Ma I don't care! He's my Godchild!" Brianna said annoyed. Brianna put the baby down, got up, ran to the bathroom straight to the toilet, and threw up. "Brianna baby are you ok?" Theresa asked. "Yes, Mo....." Brianna threw up again. Theresa walks to the bathroom and holds Brianna's hair and gets a towel to wipe her mouth. "Baby, are you...." "No mom." Brianna quickly interrupted. "Did you take a test?" Theresa asked. "No mom, I know me. It's nerves." Brianna replied. "Well you sleep here with Bryson and I'll go to the pharmacy up the street to get you a few," Theresa said getting up and grabbing her purse.

Back at the jailhouse.
Rodney walks out, sees Terrence, and gives him a bro hug. "Thanks, man, I appreciate you," Rodney said. "New Orleans hard up to put a nigga in jail over being drunk huh?" Rodney said laughing" Terrence laughed. "Let's get back to the hotel. We gotta get back to ATL ASAP!" Terrence said. "Why?" Rodney asked. "A lot of work to do. Aye, you still talk to your DA friend that lives in New Orleans?" Terrence asked. "Who? Shantel? Yea why?" Rodney said. Terrence looked up. Eyes focused on the road. "Good."

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