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Meanwhile, Brianna and Terrence were sitting down watching a movie, and just enjoying each other's company. Brianna gets a call from Tiffany *like controlla controllaaa* Brianna's phone rings. "Hello?" Brianna answers. "Hey, Bri! Tiffany says. Girl I'm over here with a headache trying to plan this baby shower." Tiffany says. "Awe Tiff you know I got you. That's my baby you're just carrying it." Brianna said laughing. Tiffany laughed. "Whatever girl, thank you, Bri. I'm so blessed to have a friend like you. I went to the dr and I'm due November 19th. So we have 5 months left." Tiffany says. "Oh my god, this is so exciting. I can not wait. Well I'll call you back I'm watching a movie with my baby and I don't want to be rude." Brianna says. "Baby? Bitch you fucking Terrence? The guy from the club?" Tiffany says smiling. Brianna gets up and walks to her room. "Yes! Bitch, I don't have time for Ashton he's a dirty dog! Did I tell you he fucked a Barbie-looking bitch. Like all these years of putting up with his ass and that's the appreciation I get." Brianna says shaking her head. "Tiffany felt bad because she's still fucking Ashton and Brianna had no idea. "Well as long as you're happy I'm happy bri. Well, go watch your movie I don't want to be rude." Tiffany says smiling. "Okay talk to you later," Brianna says hanging up the phone. Brianna walks back into the living room and cuddles under Terrence. "Who was that babe? Everything alright?" Terrence asks Brianna kissing her forehead. "Yea babe everything is fine," Brianna says snuggling under Terrence more.

Passion, Pain, and Lies. (Incomplete)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat