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Meanwhile back at Ashton and Bri's crib, they are having problems as usual due to Ashton's constant lying and him standing Brianna up at dinner or something that means a lot to her, so she's been talking to Terrence a lot more lately. To Bri, Terrence is a great guy but doesn't want to jeopardize her 6-year relationship with Ashton for something she feels is temporary. Brianna and Ashton argued today because Brianna found out about the white girl.
"Ashton you are a dumb ass nigga! I can't believe I put up with your lying stupid ass!" Throwing all of Ashton's clothes downstairs. "You going to cheat on me with a white fake bitch! A white bitch Ashton! I hate you! I hate you!" Brianna said crying, continuously throwing Ashton's clothes downstairs. Ashton wasn't home at the time. Brianna gather all of his clothes and brought them to the front lawn, went back into the house in her laundry room, and got a big bottle of CLOROX Bleach. Brianna goes back outside opens the bleach, and starts to pour it all over Ashton's clothes and shoes. "Dumb nigga! You fucking white bitches! In the clothes, I brought you nigga! Ahhhhh!" Brianna screams out of anger. She proceeds to go back inside run some water in the tub and throw Ashton's ps4, and MacBook in the tub. "Fuck you nigga!" Brianna says.
An hour later Ashton pulls up to the house "What the fuck?!?" Ashton says angrily. He gets out of the car to see his clothes and smell the bleach that has destroyed them. He walks fast into the house... "Brianna!! Babe!!! What the fuck?!" Ashton's walking all over the house to see if he sees Brianna, hoping he finds her. Ashton walks up the stairs still yelling Brianna's name with no Brianna insight. "Bri...." Ashton stops in the bathroom shocked to see his MacBook in the tub where he was working on a presentation that can cost him his job if not delivered. "What the fuck is her problem man!" Got his laptop out of the water. Ashton pulls out his phone to call Brianna. "
The person you are trying to reach number is temporarily out of service." "This bitch playing," Ashton says even more upset.

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