Chapter 6

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Hi my loves 💜💜


Drying his hair with a towel, Seokjin walked out of the shower. He was glad they were given a free day to do what ever they wanted. He was going to the beach with Jimin. Once they both got ready for the same, they left the hotel.

At the beach, they spread their towels and lay down in the sun. They had made sure to wear sunscreen before they left their room.

"I'm going to get an ice cream. Would you like one Seokjin?" The shorter male asked.


Jimin sat up and stretched out his arms. He was not only handsome, but fit too. It was a pity both him and Seokjin weren't each other's types. They had agreed that they would have made such an adorable couple, otherwise.

"I'll be right back." Jimin said before sliding his sunglasses down his nose to look at Seokjin, "Don't go anywhere."

Seokjin laughed, "I'll be here when you get back."

"You better." Jimin got up from his towel, "You already gave me high blood pressure yesterday. I'm not prepared for any of that today."

"Bye, Jimin."

Once Jimin left, Seokjin turned over to lie on his back, shutting his eyes from the sunlight. Jimin took long to return and Seokjin needed to use the bathroom. He sat up and scanned the beach for the blond haired boy, until he spotted him still by the ice cream stand. He was talking to a taller male Seokjin had never seen before. He was giggling at whatever the stranger was saying and all Seokjin could do was roll his eyes. Jimin was adorable and sweet, but at times he was also such a flirt.

Seokjin was sure Jimin was not returning any time soon so he left to use the bathroom. He wanted to use the one in his room, but the hotel had bathrooms close to the lobby, which were more convenient than walking all the way to his room.

He was washing his hands when he heard the door behind him open and close. He looked up in the mirror to see who it was. Realizing that it was none other than Mr Han, he quickly turned around to face the older man.

"I- I know I'm not supposed to use the staff bathroom, but I really needed to go." Seokjin stuttered, "I'll leave right away."

He tried to walked out but the teacher blocked his way, "I don't give a fuck about the bathroom. I'm only interested in you."

Seokjin shook his head, "I'm sorry, sir but you can't have me."

Mr Han clicked his tongue at the boy's answer, "Still playing hard to get, are we? See Seokjin, I don't want to force you so why not do us both a favor and stop resisting. We can have a lot of fun, you and I."

"Maybe that's true but I'm not interested." Seokjin tried to leave but the teacher had him trapped against the wall.

He was aware that the other students would have gladly thrown themselves at the man. After all he was very good looking and not that old. Plus an arrangement like that could get you good grades. But Seokjin wasn't those people. If he gave himself to someone then it had someone he liked and in return reciprocated those feelings. Not to some teacher who had slept with half of the school.

"What's wrong, huh?" The man asked, "Am I not good enough for you? Is that it?"

"This is wrong and it could get us both into a lot of trouble."

"Only if you tell someone about it." Mr Han lean his head closer, "Do you even know how much I like you? It's fun with the others but with you it's different and I'd treat you so well."

The man lean down all the way, his lips brushing against Seokjin's and the boy took this as a chance to push him off as he was destructed.

"I don't want this!" Seokjin yelled as he ran out of the bathroom.


Seokjin knew there was no need to keep running after he left the bathroom but that didn't stop him. That's, of course, until blocked his way. He tried to walk past the person, but they just grabbed on to him.

"Seokjin!" Hearing his name brought him back to his senses, "Can you slow down for a minute?"

"Jungkook?" He was surprised to see the other boy. In fact he was the last person he expected he'd run into.

"Yeah. Where are you running off to?" Jungkook had a puzzled look, "You look like you were being chased by a wild animal."

"Maybe I was." Seokjin said as he composed himself and his face morphed into a frown, "May I ask why you are here?"

"Why?" Jungkook asked, "Can't I be here?"

"No! Of course you can. Just don't mind me. It's just that for a minute I thought you were stalking me."

Jungkook smiled, "No, you are right. I was actually stalking you."

"Really?" Seokjin laughed, "You have my number, you could have just called me."

"I could have." Jungkook agreed, "but I also wanted to surprise you. The only problem is that I came at a wrong time, clearly.

Seokjin laughed, "Serves you right for coming unannounced."

"True." Jungkook nodded his head. "Can we grab a drink? This place is a little crowded. People might recognize me."

"Sure." Seokjin said as he followed Jungkook to the bar.


"So what or who were you running from?" Jungkook asked once they were seated and their drinks were served.

"My teacher."

"That teacher of yours again?" Jungkook had a smile on his face, "What's the deal between you and him anyway?"

"No deal!" Seokjin defended, "He's been making moves on me but I'm not like that."

"So it's like that, huh?"

"Yep!" Seokjin answered as he took a sip of his natural fruit juice.

"I take it you are seeing someone then."

"No, I'm not."


"Haven't met someone that interested me enough."

"Wow, not even me?" Jungkook asked causing Seokjin to giggle.

"You know that's not what I meant."

"I know." Jungkook smiled.

"What about you?" Seokjin asked, "You are secretive about your love life."

"That's because it's non-existent." Jungkook joked causing Seokjin to laugh, "To be honest, I liked this boy but he chose my best friend over me."

"Wow. That must have sucked."

"Tell me about it." Jungkook took a drink of his beer, "Speaking of my friends, we are having this thing on Friday. You should come."

"Can I bring my friend?" Seokjin asked.

"You can bring anyone you want."


BORAHAE 💜💕💕💜💕💕💜

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