Chapter 8

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With one last thrust, the two boys came almost at the same time. Giving Seokjin one last kiss Jungkook pulled out, before the rolled over to the other side of the bed. Both of them were out of breath and the younger couldn't believe he had lasted for two more rounds.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked Seokjin who was now laying with his stomach faced down.The younger smiled weakly, nodding his head. "I'll call you as soon as I get to Seoul."

Seokjin nodded his head once again before he turned to face the other side. Soon, sleep took over his senses and everything in the room faded into blackness.


"Jinnie!" Seokjin felt a hand on his shoulder shaking him, but he was too sleepy to pay it any mind, "Wake up! Jinnie!"

Seokjin opened his eyes to look at his best friend, "Chim, what is it? Let me sleep."

He was about to close his eyes but Jimin shook him again, "No, we have to leave now. I have your clothes here."

"My clothes?" Seokjin opened his eyes and quickly sat up, immediately regretting his choices because his back hurt like hell.

"Yes your clothes. I still can't believe you took things that far." Jimin said sternly, "You barely know the guy. What were you thinking, Jinnie? Did you at least use protection?"

Seokjin looked down and shook his head. "Are you kidding me right now? You don't even know how many other people he's been with. What if he's given you something?"

Seokjin took his T-shirt from Jimin and slid it over his head. He didn't know what to say to Jimin because he knew he was right. "Did they leave already?"

"I think so and we should too. There are people here to clean up the place. I don't think they will be too pleased with us sticking around while they do their work."

Seokjin nodded in agreement and put on the rest of his clothes, before him and Jimin left the house. They were lucky enough to find a bus to take them back to their hotel.

It was good that Mr Han had handed out a schedule to all his students. It made it easier for the two boys to catch up with the rest of the class on their next tour. As the tour ended, Seokjin and Jimin headed towards the bus last.

"Don't think I didn't notice that the two of you didn't return to the hotel last night." Mr Han spoke just as they were about to enter the bus, gaining their attention. "And to be honest, I don't necessarily care what you do, just make sure it doesn't affect my schedule because I don't want to find myself looking for you two if something happens to you out here. Now, please quickly get into that bus we have other things to do."

The two did not utter a word as they turned back to the bus before going in.


The field trip finally ended, and the entire class returned to Gwacheon. Seokjin had waited for Jungkook to call him but he never did. It made him sad at first, but eventually, with the upcoming exams, he forgot about it and Jungkook all together.

"You should eat something." Jimin said to Seokjin during their lunch break, "You can't afford getting sick right before our exams start. Unless you wish to sit for them next year and delay moving to Seoul. You know I don't want to go there without you."

Seokjin smiled at Jimin's pouty face, "I won't let that happen. And I'll eat something later, I promise. I'm just not feeling well right now."

"No no. I need to see you eat. Here, have some of my chips."

Seokjin opened his mouth, allowing Jimin to stuff his mouth with chips. He chewed them slowly, but once he swallowed, he became so nauseous he had to cover his mouth with the palm of his hand to prevent himself from throwing up in the lunch room.

Jimin quickly noticed and helped him up, walking him to the bathroom. He had been ill for the past three days. He constantly felt cold and tired. He didn't worry himself about it and suspected he had just caught some kind of bug, which wasn't a big deal because he had always been so sensitive and easily fell ill.

In the bathroom, he threw up a lot, and Jimin being a great friend, ran a hand over his back in circular soothing motions.

"I still think you should have stayed home today." Jimin said as Seokjin rinsed his mouth by the sink, "In fact, you should stay home tomorrow and rest it off."

"Jimin, I'll be fine. All I need is some herbal tea and a good night's sleep and then I'll be as good as new. In fact I feel a lot better now that I've vomited."

"Are you sure? Because I feel like you should go and lie down."

"And have Mr Han give me an F on our assignment?"

"I can tell him you are sick."

"There's no need Jimin. I'm fine." Seokjin placed his hand on Jimin's shoulder, reassuring him.

Jimin heaved a sigh, but led Seokjin out of the bathroom and to their next class which was History with Mr Han. The two boys took their seats along with the rest of the class and waited for the teacher to arrive.

"I have confidence that you all did your research and are ready to present your findings to the rest of the class." Mr Han said as soon as he walked into class, "Why don't you start Seokjin? Let's see what the mighty little prince has for us."

There was fits of laughter around class that quietened down when Seokjin stood up and walked to the front of the classroom. He had started feeling sick again and he wished he had just listened to Jimin and went to lie down.

"Don't just stand there like a statue. Give us your presentation."

Seokjin knew that if he opened his mouth he was going to throw up so he just stood there quietly.

"I've always known there's no brains behind all that beauty. Now, quit wasting our time and get out of my class. Make sure you come back only when you've done your assignment."

There was laughter again as Seokjin walked out of class. His head was spinning and he felt dizzy. Before he could make it out of the door, he fell to the floor. There was some commotion and he heard his name being called but it felt so distant, before everything just blacked out.


Say something I'm giving up on you.


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