Chapter 28

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Hi my loves 💜💜💜

It's update back to back 🤣 I know the characters have a weird thought process, but let's understand they are fictional ❤️❤️❤️


Jimin had given birth to the most beautiful little girl Seokjin had ever seen. She was a mixture between Jimin and Yoongi. When Seokjin held her, memories of when Woobin was born flooded back, but the difference was that he wasn't as happy as Jimin right now and and he didn't have a partner to share such a joyful moment with him.

Once she fell asleep, Jimin decided to take a nap too. Seokjin took it as a chance to step out and inquire about Woobin. He'd gotten the man's phone number from his mom because he'd felt uneasy about living Woobin in the hands of a total stranger. He'd dialled the number which was written down on a piece of paper and waited while it rang.

"Hello." The voice on the other side gave Seokjin goosebumps. The good kind.

"Uh…Hi.." He really hated himself for stuttering at that moment, "I'm sorry for suddenly calling, but I'm Woobin's  dad and I wanted to find out if he's giving you any problems."

"Oh, Hi.." Jungkook shook his head, "And no. On the contrary, I like having him over. He's such a great kid."

Seokjin couldn't help but feel proud to how his child was being complimented, "Did he eat something? I can send you some money so that you can order take out for him."

"That won't be necessary. I already cooked him something."

"You did?" Seokjin asked, "I'm really sorry to put you through all the trouble."

"Hey, relax. It's not a problem I swear."

Seokjin couldn't help but smile, "Can I ask for a favour then?"

"Sure. Anything."

"Woobin tends to have snacks throughout the day. He has such a big appetite and gets hungry often, so can you make sure he eats something as often as possible?"

Jungkook smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I'll do that."

"Thank you. You are so kind. I'll try to pick him up as soon as possible. I'm just waiting for my mother. She went home to pick something up for my friend."

"Will you really be picking him up yourself?" Jungkook wanted to make sure he'd heard it right. If he was being honest, he really wished to meet Woobin's father and maybe become friends since he was already fond of the kid.

"Of course. I'd like to thank you in person."

"I guess I'll be expecting you then." Jungkook said, causing Seokjin's face to hit up, but he was smiling.

"Alright…" Seokjin hadn't reacted to someone this way in a long time, but he wasn't complaining. In fact it felt refreshing, "I have to check on my friend. Please call me if Woobin needs anything. I'll probably be picking him up a little later in the evening."

"Noted, thanks." Jungkook said, "I heard your friend just gave birth. You should focus on him first and I'll take good care of Woobin."

Seokjin was a smiling mess and he didn't even mind the weird looks he was getting, "I'll call you later."

He quickly ended the call and stashed the phone into his pocket. The conversation on the phone had been very ordinary but it made him feel a certain time of way. Maybe it was because of the lovely voice on the other end of the line. The person he spoke to sounded so calm and friendly. He may have been taking his thoughts to far but he'd listen to that voice to sleep.

He shook his head, knowing very well how inappropriate his thoughts were turning out to be. But then again the voice sounded a bit familiar like he'd heard it before but he just couldn't remember where and when.

When his mother returned they ate at a small restaurant near the hospital. Ms. Kim checked the time on her watch before she spoke.

"Don't you think it's getting a little late? I should pick up Woobin."

"Eomma, why don't you stay with Jimin and Yoongi, seeing that I'm of no help and you are more experienced than I'm. I'll pick up Woobin."

Ms. Kim smiled, "That's a good idea. Go home and get some rest."

"Call me once Jimin is discharged. I'll pick all of you up."

"Okay, you too drive safely."

Seokjin kissed his mother's cheek before he left. He texted Jungkook beforehand letting him know he was on the way and asked for the address. The response came almost immediately causing Seokjin to smile as he  put his phone away. He knew the neighbourhood and he was a little surprised because if the man lived there it meant he was well-to-do. He wondered how his mother got to know such a person. They weren't poor but they were not fit for those kind of circles yet.

When he arrived at the house, he couldn't help but marvel at how big it was. It had a magnificent driveway adorned with beautiful flowers. He walked over to the front door and used his hands to fix up his hair. He rang the doorbell and waited. It took a while before he could hear any movement from the other side which wasn't surprising since the place was too big.

The sooner the door opened, the smile on his face fell. What was Jungkook doing there? He looked surprised too. Seokjin shook his head, hoping for it to be a dream, but when he looked again, Jungkook still stood in the doorway.

He was having a hard time processing what was going on that all the strength in his legs left him and the next thing he felt was himself falling, but before he could hit the ground, a pair of strong hands held him up by the arms, steadying him.



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