Chapter 39

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Hi my loves 💜💜 filler chapter


Jungkook had texted Seokjin he had brought Woobin home already. Jimin was staying with them a few days because Yoongi had travelled out for a few days. When Seokjin walked into the house, Woobin was playing with his toys while Jimin lay on the couch nearby. The baby, Mi-so must have been asleep finally giving Jimin some time to rest.

"You are back already?" Jimin asked as Seokjin approached them.

"Yeah, I don't have any court sessions this week."

"Appa!" Woobin only realised that Seokjin was back and immediately ran over to give him a hug.

Seokjin embraced the child giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, baby did you have fun at Papa's house?"

Woobin smiled shaking his head, "Papa took me to see Grandma and Grandpa."

Seokjin's smile fell, "He what?"

"Please don't be mad at Papa."

"Jinnie," Jimin said sitting up, "I think you should listen to your child right now."

"Are you serious?" Seokjin frowned at his best friend, "He took my son to see those people without even the courtesy of asking for my permission first."

"What's the point? They are his grandparents and they were bound to meet him one day."

"No, Jimin the least he could do is ask me first."

Jimin shook his head before he walked over and took Woobin in his arms, "Woobin can't see you like this. Once you are done with your mental break down, you can have your food in the kitchen."

Seokjin didn't respond as Jimin took the child upstairs. He decided to call Jungkook and ask him why he did that, but the other male didn't pick up his phone. He wasn't going to let this slide. He was already being kind enough to let Jungkook have access to Woobin whenever he wanted, but that didn't mean he could do just whatever he wanted. He needed to get permission from Seokjin before introducing the child to his parents. What if they ended up taking the child away from Seokjin? Rich people would do that.

Without wasting time, Seokjin left the house. He was going to talk to Jungkook and tell not to do things without his permission again.

It took almost an hour to get there, but Seokjin was too angry to pay attention to the distance. He stepped out of the car and rang the bell continuously in case Jungkook was planning on ignoring him like he did with the call.

He was about to hit the dial once again when the door was suddenly pulled open by a surprised Jungkook.

"Why are you here?" He asked, but Seokjin walked right past him into the house. He was dumbfounded, but shut the door before following Seokjin.

"Did something happen? I know I took Woobin safely back home."

"What rights do you have to take my child to your parents' house?"

Jungkook sighed, "He's my child too."

"Where were you all these years to claim such rights? The least you could have done is asked me for permission first."

"Would you have allowed it?" Jungkook inquired, but Seokjin didn't respond, "That's what I thought and for your own information, I didn't do it for me or my parents. I did it for Woobin. He deserves to know his grandparents."

"Wrong!" Seokjin yelled, "I get to decide what's good for my child. I trust neither you nor your family."

"Yeah and an irrational person like you is what's good for him?"

"I've raised him alone until now. You have no right to question me."

"Whatever." Jungkook said knowing it was pointless arguing with Seokjin because no matter what he said, he was going to be labeled the bad guy, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I'd be taking to meet them beforehand."

"It's too late to apologise now. Just promise me that whatever happens you won't let your family take Woobin from me."

"That won't happen, I assure you."

"You should keep your promise because if not, I'll take Woobin far away and you'll never see him again."

"You should know by now your threats don't have an effect on me."

"In that case, just try me Jeon Jungkook. Don't take my leniency for weakness. You don't know me."

Seokjin made his way back to the door and left the house.



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