Chapter 21

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Happy 2022 My Loves💕💕💜

I feel we are not connected lately 💔


After work, Seokjin drove to his mother's house to pick up Woobin. He had bought her a house in one of the most quiet neighborhoods in Seoul. He wanted her to live with him but she was too stubborn and said she didn't want to be a bother especially since he was dating again.

She even suggested Woobin move in with her so that Seokjin could be free but he declined the offer. He loved having the child by his side.  Although Woobin spent more time at her house than he spent at Seokjin's. It was almost as if he lived with her and only visited his father sometimes.

"Eomma!" Seokjin called out once he walked into the house, "I'm here to pick up what's mine!"

"I'm in the kitchen, Seokjin!" His mother responded.

Seokjin walked into the kitchen, his nose being met with the most pleasant smell.

"Hmm.." He shut his eyes taking in the aroma, "Are you making chicken casserole?"

"Yes. Woobin insisted that's all he wants for dinner tonight."

"Oh, Eomma. You are such a goddess. I'm starving." Seokjin grabbed a bowl and spoon from the kitchen cabinet and walked over to where his mother was making beef stew. He tried to dip the spoon into the pot but she slapped his hand away.

"Ouch! Eomma!" Seokjin pouted despite being a grown man.

"Can't you wait for it to be ready so that we can all eat together?" His mother reprimanded.

"You are such an evil woman!" Seokjin said quietly as he put the bowl and spoon on the counter

"I heard that. And you should consider yourself lucky because I didn't shove your hands inside this pot!"

Seokjin clutched his chest dramatically, "You'd do that to your own child?"

"If you keep acting like a child then yes."

"Fine. I only came to pick up Woobin. Where is he?"

"Upstairs and you're not leaving until you've both had dinner."

"Fine, but only because Woobin wants to."

"Will you stop being childish Kim Seokjin?"

Seokjin ignored her as he returned the bowl to the cabinet, " By the way Eomma! Is that my pyrex dish? You didn't return it the last time you borrowed it to make brownies for your friends' get together. And this is the reason why I don't like you borrowing my things because you never return them."

"You have so much money and yet you keep complaining about things you can easily replace."

"Eomma that's not how it works. If I buy something it means I don't plan on buying the same item in a while. And besides you have your own stuff."

"Get out of my kitchen, Seokjin. It's too hot for me to put up with your tantrums."

Seokjin scoffed as he walked out of the kitchen. He went upstairs to Woobin's playroom. The child was spoiled, that's for sure. He had his own room and playing space in his grandmother's house.

"Appa!" Woobin exclaimed once Seokjin appeared through the door.

"Hi baby!" Seokjin embraced the child, kissing his face before putting him down again.

"Appa look!" Woobin said excitedly as he ran back to his toys.

He picked up some kind of remote control before a battery powered toy car slid on to Seokjin's house shoes.

"Wow I dont think I've seen this before. Is it new?" Seokjin picked the toy up from his feet and inspected it.

"Uh huh."

"It's lovely. Did granny get it for you?"

Woobin shook his head, "An uncle got it to me."

"An uncle?" Seokjin frowned, "Did Jimin come here?"

Woobin shook his head.

"Yoongi? I was with him at work. When did he find the time?

Woobin shook his head again, "Not uncle Yoongi. The nice uncle at the store."

Seokjin set the toy down and returned to the kitchen, "Eomma!"

"Seokjin-ah, your lack of patience is getting on my nerves. Just sit down the casserole is almost ready."

"Did you let my son accept a gift from a stranger?"

"Oh, Seokjin. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. Earlier Woobin accompanied me to the store to buy groceries and you know how your child can be when he sees something he likes. He was throwing a tantrum despite knowing we'd run out of Cash."

"Why didn't you just call me then and asked me to send you some money. He's my son after all."

I'm sorry Seokjin but that wouldn't have worked because I left my credit card home. But you shouldn't worry. I'll repay the money when I see the kind young man who paid for the toy.

"No eomma this is not an excuse enough for you to let an absolute stranger near my child. How do you even know what his real intentions were. The world we live in now is no longer safe. People always have a hidden motive."

"I understand your concern and I promise it won't happen again."

"Of course it won't. Remind me to give you the money before we leave so that you can return it to the man."

"That won't be necessary. Since Woobin is my only grandson I don't mind spending money and spoiling the child."

"What do you mean your only grandson? You have only one son. If you wanted more grandkids you should have had more kids."

"That's enough, Seokjin. I'm still your mother and you can't talk to me however you please. Now set the table while I bring Woobin down."

Seokjin scoffed, but did what she said, "You are the one busy spoiling him and you wonder why he cries for whatever he sees."

"I heard that!" His mother yelled from outside the door, "And dish out the stew when you are done."




Stay safe and hope the new year is treating you well.

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