Chapter 50

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Hi my ❤️.

I'm not a medical practitioner. Don't kill me for lying in this chapter.


As Seokjin chatted with Dr. McLaren, the intercom speaker in Jimin's office, suddenly went off.

"Attention all medical staff, this is a Code Blue for Room 302. Please respond immediately, Dr. Park is needed urgently."

Jungkook's room? Seokjin had just been there. What happened? Jimin quickly stood up and was heading for the door when he stopped him.

"Jimin, what's going on?" he asked, feeling his body going almost numb by the second.

"I'm sure it's nothing," Jimin said in a reassuring voice. "Why don't you finish discussing your preferences for Woobin's sessions with Dr. McLaren and I'll be back soon?"

And with that, Jimin was heading out of the door. Seokjin ignored what his friend had just told him to do and followed him, forgetting to excuse himself from Dr. McLaren.

Jimin ran ahead of Seokjin without realising that the latter had followed him, proving that Seokjin had every reason to be worried, and when Jimin arrived at Jungkook's room, there were other hospital personnel rushing in.

Seokjin was about to enter the room when  a nurse stopped him.

"You can't go in there," she said, pushing him out as he tried to get a glimpse of what was going on over her head. There was a lot of commotion in the room, and a lot of beeping sounds.

When Seokjin was outside, the nurse shut the door, and when he tried to look through the window, the blinds were quickly drawn.

Something was definitely wrong, and Seokjin was surprised at how scared he was. He paced back and forth outside the door, fighting the urge to barge in and demand for answers. The doctors had said that Jungkook had suffered a severe asthma attack, and the lack of oxygen had caused inflammation and swelling on his brain but they'd managed to stop the swelling and he was in a stable condition so why was this happening?

It was over an hour when Jimin stepped out, looking exhausted.

"What's wrong with Jungkook?" Seokjin asked, not giving Jimin enough time to catch his breath. "Can I see him?"

Seokjin started walking towards the door, but Jimin stopped him. "Not yet." Jimin had a defeated look on his face, making Seokjin impatient. "Can we talk for a moment?"

"Jungkook is fine, right?" Seokjin asked, and his voice shook on his next sentence. "Please tell me he's alright."

"He's fine," Jimin said, taking Seokjin's hands into his. "He just… He had a seizure. You know we put him in a medically induced coma to help reduce the inflammation." Jimin paused to take a break before continuing. "There was a decision to stop the drug…I… I just didn't expect this to happen."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Seokjin was offended that Jimin had overlooked telling him something so important. He was Jungkook's guardian, after all. He deserved to know of every decision the hospital was making concerning Jungkook.

"I'm sorry, Jinnie. I just didn't want to get your hopes up by making you think Jungkook was going to regain his consciousness without a problem."

Seokjin felt his eyes sting with threatening tears. "So how is he."

"We've stabilized him for now with barbiturate treatment, but it's a waiting game from here on out. We'll monitor his progress closely." Jimin squeezed Seokjin's hands, "And Seokjin, I know you're hesitant about Woobin seeing his father in that condition, but perhaps it's time."

Seokjin's frown deepened. "What do you mean, Jimin? Are you suggesting Jungkook might die?"

"No, of course not, but in cases like this one, we should be prepared for the worst, and I know you'd regret not bringing Woobin to see his father when he's still alive."

More people walked out of Jungkook's room, and Seokjin's head felt like it was spinning.

"Why don't you go in and see him?" Jimin asked, and Seokjin nodded his legs seemingly moving on their own as he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

Jungkook's nasal cannula had been replaced with an oxygen mask, and seeing him like that brought Seokjin to tears. He'd been angry at Jungkook for years, but he never wished any harm to him.

He sat down and took the other male's hand. "You made such a fuss about being a part of Woobin's life, so why are you doing this now? What do you expect to say to Woobin?"

Seokjin buried his face in Jungkook's arm and broke down.



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