Chapter 10

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Hi my loves 💜💜💜


The ringing bell signaled the end of the school day. The students rushed out of the history class, but not Seokjin who was carefully putting his school utensils away into his book bag. He kept his eyes down, avoiding looking at Mr. Han, who was still seated behind the teacher's desk.

Seokjin's mother had requested for his pregnancy to be kept private, however, his teachers knew about it. This was to ensure that his given time off from school without any problem in a case where he wasn't feeling well enough to attend. This was also to make it possible for them to prepare home lessons for him whenever he couldn't come to school.

He zipped up his bag and stood up from his seat. He carefully swung it over his shoulder and started walking out.

"Well, would you look at that?" Mr. Han finally spoke causing Seokjin to freeze in place, "With the kind of hard time you give to anyone who tries to get close to you, one would easily label you a saint. Little did I know you were that easy. So who's is it? Another kid from this school? Some college kid who promised you the world? Or a married guy somewhere? In fact, do you even know who the father is?"

Seokjin didn't dare look at the teacher as a tear rolled down his cheek. He quickly wiped it off with his sleeve, sniffling a little.

"There's no need to cry now, is there?" The teacher lean back in his chair, "It's funny how unappealing a single mistake could make a person." He waved the boy off and Seokjin walked out of class, trying his best not to cry.

Jimin had called in sick today so Seokjin was walking home alone. He missed his best friend so much and he knew his mother would be out working. Hence he walked straight to Jimin's house.

"Jinnie!" Jimin chirped as soon as he opened the door and saw Seokjin. He brought him into the house and then walked to his room, "How was school today? I'm sorry I couldn't come. Did Mr. Han try something?" Jimin made a fist, "Just tell me and I swear I'll break his head with my small fist."

Seokjin knew Jimin was trying to lighten him up, but he couldn't help breaking down.

"Hey, baby, come here." Jimin pulled him into a hug, "Don't cry."

"I don't want it, Jiminie." Seokjin hiccupped, "I want it out of me."

"It's okay, baby." Jimin ran a hand soothingly over Seokjin's back, "Everything will be, you'll see."

"No, it will never be okay." Seokjin cried into Jimin's shoulder, "As long as it's in here, things will never be okay. Help me get rid of it Jimin. I goggled a few options this morning."

Jimin gently pushed Seokjin off so that he could look at him, "Jinnie, I can't stop you if you want to get rid of it, but please think about the risk you'll be putting yourself in. I don't want anything to happen to you so please think about this carefully. If you still want to get rid of it, you can ask aunt to take you to a doctor and have it done properly."

Seokjin nodded his head even though he knew his mother would never be in support of it. He knew Jimin was scared, but he'd try to convince him once again. He didn't want to do it alone because he was scared too. He wanted Jimin to be with him while he did it.

He leans his head in Jimin's shoulder once again, who wiped down his tears.



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