Chapter 29

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Hi my loves 💜💜💜

I may not be as great as the other writers, but I'm trying my best too you know.


"Let go of me!" Seokjin pushed Jungkook off him once he composed himself, "Where's my son?"

He didn't wait for Jungkook to respond before he walked past him and into the house.

"WOOBIN!" He yelled loudly, but didn't know where to go since the house was a maze. Jungkook was walking right behind him, "Where's my son? Bring him out to me right now!"

Jungkook still hadn't processed what was going on. Seokjin was being too loud and causing him to develop a headache. He was moving around like a mad man and Jungkook was starting to lose his patience. He grabbed him by the arm and tried to drag him out he was taken back when Seokjin put up a fight and refused to be dragged out.

"I said let go of me before I call the police and charge you for kidnapping!"

"What?" Out of shock, Jungkook let go of him, "Kidnapping? When I did I ever kidnap someone?"

Seokjin was about to retaliate but stopped when he heard a familiar voice, "Appa!"

The sooner he heard his son's voice than he felt a small pair of arms wrap around his leg. Without hesitation he picked up the child hugging him tightly. He set him down and like a delusional parent he inspected his body for injuries, "Are you okay my love? Did you get hurt?"

Woobin shook his head, "Why are you mad at uncle Jungkook?"

For a moment, Seokjin had forgotten about Jungkook's existence. He glanced at the man before he composed himself and stood up straight, "Get me his things. We are leaving."

Jungkook didn't say anything as he returned to the leaving room and brought back Woobin's backpack. Seokjin didn't hesitate as he grabbed without even looking at Jungkook and started dragging Woobin out.

"Appa!" The child cried out as he tried to pull out of Seokjin's, "It hurts."

Seokjin wasn't trying to hurt him, but seeing his son in the company of Jungkook drove him insane, "Woobin, stop being stubborn and just go."

"I don't want to go." Woobin saw how angry Seokjin was and felt a little scared, "I want to stay with uncle Jungkook."

"DON'T CALL HIM THAT!" Seokjin yelled, causing Woobin to break into tears. He ignored it and continued dragging the child along.

Jungkook saw how rough Seokjin was handling the child and tried to intervene, but the latter was too quick for him as he quickly pulled Woobin behind him, "Don't you dare lay a hand on my child. I haven't changed my mind about calling the police."

Jungkook ran a hand through his hair out of frustration, "You are f*cking hurting him."

"He's my son. How I handle him is none of your business. And take this as a friendly warning; the next time you try to come even just a meter closer to my son, I won't hesitate to sue you."

Jungkook raised his hands in defeat as he stepped aside to let Seokjin leave with a crying Woobin.


When they got home, Woobin had fallen asleep to Seokjin's advantage. After what happened earlier he wasn't ready to put up with the child's tantrums. He was mad at his mother for exposing his child to Jungkook after he'd tried his best to keep him hidden for the past few years. But he had to admit it wasn't entirely her fault.  She didn't know Jungkook. If he'd told her about him and maybe showed her a photo, she could have been more careful, but it was pointless crying over spilled milk.

He'd have to find a solution to the problem and fast. As it stood now, Jungkook still seemed oblivious to the matter. It'd be better to act as soon as possible. He was too exhausted to think about the matter at that moment. He decided to sleep over it and resume his thoughts the next day at work.


The next day he cancelled all his appointments and to his luck there was no court session, plus Yoongi was out too. He'd taken Woobin to school and forbade them to let anyone aside from him to pick up the child. No matter how late he was, he'd pay the penalty fee without any problems.

He'd been trying to come up with solutions whole morning and he'd narrowed them to quite a few. He could send Woobin to live with his aunt, Jimin's mom in Busan for a year or so whilst visiting him regularly, he could send him to a boarding school overseas, but he was still too little for that or he could move overseas with him. But then he'd have to leave his work and they'd worked so hard to get their own law firm running. The first option seemed more reasonable. He'd send him to Busan just for a few months. He was about relax in his seat when his secretary walked in.

"I know you said not to disturb you, Sir, but someone's here to see you."

"I'm not seeing anyone today." Seokjin was irritated by how she failed to take a simple instruction, "Tell them to make an appointment for Friday."

"I already did sir, but he insists on seeing you right now. He says you should see him for your own good."

Seokjin frowned. Who dared come to his workplace and threaten him? He had so much to worry about to deal with that kind of nonsense.

"Let him in." He said finally before she gave a quick bow and walked out. He was preparing to give whoever it was an earful but froze in his seat when Jungkook walked, "What are you doing here? No….how did you find this place?"

"That's besides the point." Jungkook said in his usual cocky tone before he took a seat even though Seokjin hadn't offered it to him. "I'm here to talk about my son."

Seokjin almost chocked on his breath but quickly composed himself, "What are you talking about? If you came here to spit nonsense then you better leave. I have  a lot of work to do."

Jungkook laughed in disbelief, "I can't believe you are going to play dumb right now. I admit I was a little confused last night but I'm not stupid."

"I don't know what you are talking about." Seokjin tried his best to act unphased.

Jungkook smirked, "In that case I'll be straight you. I want to be part of my son's life."

Seokjin pulled his hands under his desk which were about to give away the fact that he was a shaking mess, "I'll also repeat myself since it's clear you didn't hear me the first time. I don't know what you are talking about."

"Alright, you need to stop. You and I both know Woobin is my son. My memory is still very clear even though it's been a few years." Jungkook sat back in the chair abd smirked once again, "Remember that one passionate night we shared? You did get pregnant that time and…."

"You are wrong!" Seokjin couldn't listen anymore, "And you were right back then. I only tried to pass off the pregnancy was yours so that I could benefit from your family's money."

"You must think I'm really stupid. A blind person can see how the kid looks so much like me."

"Woobin looks nothing like you!" Seokjin yelled finally being pushed to the limit, "He's not your son! I'll have to ask you to leave now before I call security to drag you out."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you insist on denying it, I'll request a DNA test and if you continue being difficult I'll sue you for everything you have. And trust me, you don't want things to go that far so I suggest you think carefully before you act."

Jungkook didn't wait for Seokjin to respond as he stood up and walked out of the office.



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